Ch. 4 Thick as Thieves

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Michael was beginning to realize the negatives of being a superhero. Obviously there was getting beat up, but now he realized that it was accompanied with constant worrying about how much of an insurance plan would be needed to cover the damages.

Also, it was his crush's house. So that's always gonna be a negative.

He did his absolute best to keep the destruction away from a grand piano in the main room. Omega-Xis didn't seem as concerned about it, and the two being out of sync wasn't helping their combat.

Michael still didn't understand much about their opponent. Omega-Xis had seemed very worried when the battle started, but all he had said was, "Gemini Spark. Don't let either of them hit you."

Unfortunately, he hadn't been too successful at that. He had been punched, thrown, and zapped by a his opponents very frequently. And yes, there were two of them. Each was very similar to the other in general appearance, being humanoid figures, in armored jumpsuits. One wore mostly white, and the other black. Each had a golden arm which continually crackled with electricity, the white's being his left arm, and the black having the right.

Michael barely dodged a punch from the white, but received a shock blast from the black, which caused him to slide along the floor a few feet. While getting to his feet, he asked, "Anything else you wanna tell me about these guys?"

"He's one of the most dangerous of those hunting me. He's intuitive. Powerful, and tricky enough to pull off things he couldn't do with just one body."

Michael jumped back off the floor as a fist came down as his previous spot. "Well, do you think I  can beat him?"

"Not if you keep giving extreme regard to things getting smashed." The alien said in a cocky voice.

"This is my girl's house, man. How would you act if this were where that...Lyra or whatever or her name is-"

"What? No, shut up. That's ridiculous. I have absolutely no relationship with her whatsoever. The very idea is...geez just leave it, alright?" 

Michael was surprised by the reaction, and smiled just a little. "Okay."

It was then that the black copy grabbed him with the golden arm. Michael was hoisted a short distance into the air, and struggled for a moment as the alien looked into his eyes greedily.

"Not good. We gotta get outta this." Omega-Xis said, as if that wasn't already obvious.

Michael swung his legs forward, which the alien easily avoided by moving its body slightly. Michael took advantage of this to thrust his legs backward, then forward once more, allowing them to swing up into his opponents body. The hit caused him to be released, but his unfortunate position resulted in him landing on his face. His visor was in a few places from the impact.

Michael spun around to find white Gemini Spark approaching behind. Michael wasted no time, charging him and throwing out a fist.

However, he was caught with one hand, his momentum stopped almost instantly. He was lifted up and smashed into the ground.

The hit left him a little dizzy, and his visor even more cracked than before. The alien lifted him again with one arm, dangling him above the ground. Omega-Xis was concerned. "This isn't right. This kind of strength...he's never been this strong before!"

Michael winced and tried to avoid screaming as the grip on his arm was tightened, and his arm constricted painfully. He heard footsteps slowly coming behind him. Then, for the first time in what had been about the longest few minutes of his life, someone other than Omega-Xis was talking.

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