Ch. 15 Blue Bomber

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I expected at the very least that we'd make it back to Light Labs before everything hit the fan.

As it was, we were still making our way as subtly as a trio of brightly colored combat robots can when my comms suddenly buzzed to life. "...Rock...Rock!"

I quickly raised my hand to my helmet. "I'm here, Dr. Light. What's up?"

He sighed. "Good. I'm going to teleport you home. There's something going on, I need you back here."

"Okay...but...Break Man's here, too."

There was a pause, before Dr. Light replied, "Alright then."

A flash of light surrounded me, and before I knew it, I was standing in Light Labs. I looked to my sides and saw Break Man there with me, and Metal Man just teleporting in to my right.

Break Man frowned. "You reactivated my teleport code?"

Dr. Light, who walked over from his computer somewhat anxiously, replied, "I never deactivated it. I knew you wanted to leave, and I respected it. But if you called for help, I wanted to be able to bring you home in a moment's notice."

The robot remained silent for a few seconds. "Huh." Was his final response.

"So," I asked, "What's going on?

Dr. Light's face grew more grim. "Yes...Only a short while ago, we began receiving word that an attack has begun in Tokyo. The details are unclear, but there are at least two robots with highly destructive powers on a rampage. They've been able to cause untold damage in a short time, so we need to send you now."

"Hmmph." Metal Man grunted. "Sounds good."

Dr. Light sighed. "Actually...I had already gathered a few specific robots that would be better equipped to handle the threat and rescue." He turned and pressed a button on the computer dashboard, and spoke into a microphone, "Guys, it's time to go."

After a few minutes, the main door opened in front of us, and I saw Guts Man, Air Man, Cut Man, and Quick Man walk into the room. I winced a little when I saw Quick Man.

"Don't act too thrilled, Mega twerp. This is as fun for me as it is for anyone else." He muttered in reply.

Meanwhile, Metal Man, his expression unchanged, walked silently out of the room.

Dr. Light nodded. "I've also been...collecting the others. I have a feeling we'll soon encounter a situation where we'll want everyone we can get. There are only a few more on their way."

I nodded. "Good. Let's get going, then."

As we gathered together in an organized stance, Dr. Light gave a few final directions. "Your priority is civilian safety. When there has been successful evacuation of the threatened areas, that's your best chance to take on the robots."

I gave him a thumbs up as he entered a few commands into the computer, and suddenly the world around us became a flash of light.

When the light was gone, I found myself standing in a ruined city. When I looked at the buildings in front of me, there were fires in windows, large pieces of debris embedded in walls, and even some buildings that had completely collapsed. Looking behind us, I found that the city was only partially in ruins, and we seemed to stand on the line between the intact and the destroyed.

"Hey, look over there!" Cut Man announced, and we followed his hand to see a robot walk out of a building in the distance. I could see that it was covered in armor of mostly navy blue. Off-white highlights marked his knees, forearms, shoulders, and the toes of his boots. I could see something gleaming brightly around his head area.

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