War of the Moon Part 2

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Bubble Man found it very convenient that there was a pond a short distance away from the battlefield. It was an excellent place to get away from the action.

No, he thought to himself, that's not it. He wasn't getting away...he was...making some distance...strategizing. Yes, that was it. He wasn't a coward.

He watched the other robots as they began clashing in combat. To an unobservant eye, it seemed to be chaos, but Bubble Man could tell there was quite a bit of order to it. Robots had mostly split up into individual showdowns, with only occasionally stopping to deal with stray small robots that interrupted. He could see Ice Man engaged in a battle with a robot he didn't recognize, but seemed to be some sort of...frog? It was hard to tell with everything going on.

He looked around wondering where (and sometimes if) he should get involved. He really wanted to help out his friends, but...this was just too much.

As he watched quietly, he heard something in the water around him. He turned around, expecting a scrap of metal to have been blasted and landed in the pond. It was then that he noticed all the jellyfish robots.

"...Uh oh." He muttered.

"Uh oh is right." A stern, deep voice emitted through the water. "Now DIE, YOU LAND-LOGGED SAD SACK!" A blue robot resembling a submarine charged at him from amidst the group of robots. Bubble Man barely popped out of the water in time to avoid his charge. He landed back in and swam a short distance away. The jellyfish began to drop toward him.

At the same time, the blue robot turned around crossed his arms. He opened the panel on his chest, and two torpedoes launched at Bubble Man.



Amidst the battle, it was difficult for most robots to change focus. This occasionally left gaps where robots could interact without really being disturbed. In one such gap, the tainted Pharaoh Man approached one of his fellow fighters from behind. "Will you not join your brothers in this fight?"

The red robot stood with its arms crossed, simply watching. "Don't get me wrong...I'd love to." He turned and looked at Cossack's robot. He winked, his eyes the only thing visible under the horseshoe magnet on his forehead and mask plate that covered most of his face. "But that would take all the fun away from you guys."

(Author Note: I may over-exaggerate Magnet Man's abilities in this story. He's one of my personal favorites.)

Pharaoh Man watched the robot in silence. Despite being united under Ra Moon, he felt some resentment to this robot. He wasn't quite sure why.


If Dr. Wily had learned one thing from all his time getting kicked around, it was always to have a contingency plan.

And to have an escape when those contingencies fail.

Granted, this one had to be a bit more rushed than he would have preferred. He had to make his way as stealthily as he could through the airport. He had everything necessary: a wig, a large coat that concealed most of his body, a wide-brimmed hat, and of course, a fake ID.

Despite how recognizable he was, he was excellent at concealing it, and he was almost to the airplane gate when he heard someone scream.

Dr. Wily turned around and looked as the rest of the airport crowd also turned their heads in that direction. Suddenly, something jumped from the midst of the crowd far away, soaring through the air, and landing in front of Wily.

He nervously stepped back, while a black robot adorned with many designs similar to those of Ra Moon raised its head and pointed its buster cannon at him. 

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