Ch. 8 Things Below Part 1

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His systems took barely a second to send power through his entire body. It took even less time for him to threaten someone.

In the blink of an eye, Quick Man lifted Roll up in the air by her neck. I immediately raised the Mega Buster. "Quick Man, stop!"

He looked over at me, rage already obvious in his eyes. He scanned around the room, identifying his location. He focused on me again. "What's going on here? Why am I here?"

Dr. Light stepped forward. "Everything can be explained in time, Quick Man. First, I have to ask you to set her down."

The robot stared back at him for a few seconds, and then broke into a smile. "No promises."

After a tense moment, his face filled with surprise. "Why...why can't I...she should have..."

Dr. light sighed. "I was going to tell you. I restored your original body, but I made some small changes. Your programming prevents you from harming any of us."

Quick Man's face filled with surprise and rage. "Why...why you-"

"Quick Man, hear me out." I asked. He looked over at me, his expression not changing at all. I took a breath. "I'm giving you a chance here. We all are. Your brothers chose to abandon Wily. They chose to come with us, and decide for themselves what their purpose is."

"He's right." Air Man said from behind me. "I believe there is more waiting for all of us."

I lowered the Mega Buster. "We're willing to help you figure out your purpose. If you just trust us."

Quick Man looked between all the people in the room. He locked eyes with everyone, his face still unchanged. Finally, he lowered his head.

"They'll learn their purpose, huh? Doesn't sound too bad. I can understand the appeal for those weaklings." He raised his face enough for one eye to be visible. "But I know what my purpose is. I always have. I was made as a weapon, and I was meant to destroy you! I will always see to that!"


The cold metallic voice seemed to startle Quick Man. He turned his head to the doorway, where Metal Man stood.

"Get over yourself. You and I were never meant for anything more than destruction. Don't act like your goal of killing Mega Man is some righteous cause. We're monsters."

He equipped a Metal Blade, and hurled it across the room, where it struck a picture frame and embedded it into the wall. 

"You don't have to change who you are. I choose to be a monster for the winning side." He turned around and walked out.

Quick Man stood in silence, slightly trembling. He looked to the door once again as Metal Man left, and then he lowered Roll to the ground. 

He looked at me with a face I hadn't seen on him before. "You guys are really dedicated, aren't you?"

I nodded. "I won't give up on a fellow robot."

"If you promise you won't cause any more harm, I will remove the program limits I placed on you." Dr. Light assured him.

Quick shook his head and chuckled. "You all must be stupid." He looked at Air Man and Crash Man, who stood behind me. He sighed. "Sure. I won't hurt anyone. At least for now."

Dr. Light pulled out a tablet, quickly entered a few commands, and looked up at the robot. "It's done."

Quick Man took a few steps, moving his arms around his range of motion. He smiled when all seemed to be well.

Then he threw a punch across my shoulder. I winced and clutched the limb, and he laughed loudly. "No promises."

Crash Man rushed forward, but I held out my other arm in front of him. "Don't. I think he's okay." I watched him walk out of the room. "At least for now."

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