|Shot 73| • Concert • |Stenbrough|

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This fandom is dying and it is actually making me sad. I hope the hype comes back when Part 2 comes out/when they start filming

We need a cast reunion ~Jae👑


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I couldn't help but smirk the entire drive to Stan's. We finally have a chance to see each other, alone and outside of school.

I slowly approached his house and stalled the car. I climbed out quietly and tiptoed to Stan's bedroom window. I threw a stone at his window.

He appeared a moment later with a bright smile and covertly opened his window.

"Hey, Stanny!" I whisper-yelled jovially.

"Hey, Bill" he whispered back. "I'm coming down"

"Okay" I nodded, and took a step back.

He cautiously climbed out of his window and onto the roof, then jumped down where I caught him in my arms. He smiled jovially at me as I smirked at him.

"Hey Stan"


I kissed his forehead and pulled him into my arms. He let out a contented sigh as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you" he whispered.

"I muh-missed you t-too, Stan" I chuckled softly. "And l-look what I g-got"

He pulled away slightly so that I could reach into my back pocket. I pulled out concert tickets and his eyes and smile widened.

"No way! You actually got the James Bay tickets?!" he exclaimed excitedly.

I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"Yep" I confirmed. "Wuh-One for -mme, and wuh-one for my puh-prince"

"Nice" he scoffed, and I laughed as he pushed my shoulder.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and guided him to my car. I opened the passenger's door for him and let him climb in. I strode to the driver's side and sat down.

I turned the key, gunned the engine, and after exchanging ecstatic smiles, we drove off towards the concert.


I gave the vendor our tickets and parked the car. I helped Stan climb out and grabbed his hand.

We walked toward the stage and I dropped Stan's hand. He looked up at me quizzically and let out a small whine in protest.

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