Paying Attention Have Never Been This Hard (Raphael's POV)

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He was beautiful, like so beautiful that it was painful to look at him for more than a second. I still did. A lot in fact. I could help my eyes to dart in his direction whenever we were in the same room. It was automatic. Like a natural reflex.

Sometimes I wondered if he was even like me? If I even stand a chance to having him been mine. I didn't know and probably never will. Things like if he was destined to be mine were common in my night thoughts. Some days things went even further, I could even imagine a future toge--

"Raphael!" . Oh? What? Oh right, I'm listening to Magnus. "Stop ignoring me!" . That was Magnus' voice once again, I suppose he just told something important, damn it. It was his fault , he was so distracting. "What are you talking about? I wasn't! However... What were we on?" . That look, that terrorific look. Magnus' gaze was one of the strongest I had ever witness especially considering that he wasn't an Alpha. "Alright, sorry, I didn't catch you on that..." . I said flashing a fail-proof smile. "I knew it! You rascal!" . The tone of his voice told me that a scolding was coming, it was going to be titanic. Time to play it cool. "What were you saying Magnus? Full attention on you now" . I said as I raised a hand as in making a vow.

"What's the point on telling you if you aren't even paying attention to me, Raph? ". Damn it. The hurt. "I'm sorry Magnus... It won't happen again, I promise" . I did my best to laid my eyes on the beta or omega in front of me and not on him . Now that I think about it didn't know what Magnus was. I should ask him sometime. I knew he was mad at me, but I also knew that he would still tell why he was so mad about. So I just kept waiting for him to talk and as expected he did.

"She really had to pair me with him?" . Magnus stated as if whatever he was referring to was some kind of sacrilege. "Him? Who's him?" . He was looking at some point in front of us, I tried to follow his stare but I wasn't able to catch anyone specifically. "Lightwood, Raphael, Alec Lightwood". Then I knew were he was looking at, the older of the Lightwoods was seated next to his pair of brothers and my partner for the project. Coming together with my family to college wasn't my cup of tea, I mean I had enough of them at home but if it worked for him, cheers.

"What's the problem with that? I thought you liked him" . I said looking back to Magnus, my right eyebrow was probably on the ceiling. I liked were this was going. "I don't like him. I hate him" . I almost choked. That gotta be for sure the biggest lie in the world. Was he even for real?. " I'm supposed to believe that?" . He gotta be kidding me. He really gotta be.

"Why wouldn't you?" . He said in a pretty serious tone, dead serious in fact. You would have probably believe him. I knew better however. "Are you naive enough to believe that I don't see that beef between the both of you is just a pose?" . It was just a whisper, I didn't need the rest of the hall to knew, but, I was sure that I just screamed my lungs out if you asked Magnus.

"What're you talking about, Santiago?" . A flushed Magnus? I should take a picture and share it for good luck. I did my best to stay serious as I said, "I know you, Magnus. Pretty well in fact. I know you don't hate him ". He was now heated. The skin of his face was burning in a dark shade of red. Where's a camera when you need it. I knew that he wouldn't reply to me so I just kept talking, "You have a crush on Alec Lightwood but you are too afraid to recognize it, don't you?" . He choked on the drink he was having. I would tease him for this the whole year.

Magnus reply came rushed in less than a second, "What?! No! Definitely no! Why would I?" . He stumbled with his words, another one for the list. He was now even gesturing with his hands to try to make a point. "Oh my god! You're totally into him!" I said out loud this time, some pairs of eyes fixed on us but Magnus didn't seems to notice, he was to concentrated on denying his crush of the size of Nebraska in Alec Lightwood. "I'm not! He's not even that good looking". Magnus said after a few seconds, I didn't even talk about reasons, Nebraska wasn't big enough for this crush.

"So you at least consider him good looking... you have a crush on him. I knew it" . I said not even bothering to look at him, while I gave the book on my heads my attention, in the corner of my eyes could see the relief on his face as the topic faded while the now lighter shade of red that was still on his face. My dear friend was in love probably, I hope they were meant to be. I would hate see him with his heart broken. We maybe adults now, but he isn't different in the inside as he was when I first met him. He is and was more kind than what other people and himself gave him credit for.

My thoughts were stopped by a weak but sweet smells that I couldn't identified were it came from but as fast as it came it was gone, I was about to asking him if he could smell it too but I really needed to get this book read before the end of day, so that could wait.

You Know What? F**king Bite Me! (How Did You Dare To!?) [MALEC ~ Alec X Magnus]Where stories live. Discover now