Will You Hold My Hand? (Magnus' POV)

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I felt them. I could feel the eyes all over me like a had a damn traffic cone on top of my head. All of those eyes over me, watching, questioning. The spotlight for sure wasn't my thing and all of that attention was getting my rather nervous by now.

Taking the subway today was a daylight nightmare. The usually pretty short road from and to the college took me years today. However, the worst part of what this day had planned for me was yet to come. Someone mating at college was big news, like, the whole week news, and that meant people all over you trying to get the most minimal amount of information out of you to have it spread out like fire through a dry forest in autumn.

That uneasy feeling was growing inside of me, that feeling who longed for this day to be over as soon as it was humanly possible.

As the speaker announced that the following stop was mine to go out, I soundlessly wished for a whole to appear under my feet and send me to China. Yeah, that would have been good. The car I was on, stopped moving and the door flew open. I got out of it and started walked towards the electric stairway, too soon for my liking, I was at the street level. I didn't have other option but starting walking towards the building I had classes today, for whose I was pretty early, I was hoping to get a seat away from the front of the hall today.

I got inside the building, and entered the class' hall as soon as I could, resisting the urge to run through the hallways as I made it barely under a fast paced walk, to my luck, the hall was literally empty so I could seat on my beloved place on the very back row of seats. As soon as I took a seat and put my bag and belongings on the contiguous space the hall door opened once again. I took a look at the watch on my wrist, it only was 7 o'clock, an hour before the class' start time. I kept my eyes fixed on the door waiting for someone to come in but the time passed and no one came in. I could hear various persons talking to whoever had the intention to get in, something like that this wasn't the person's correct hall was the only thing I could barely hear. I never ever before noticed how awfully noisy our halls were.

A familiar fragrance hit my nostrils then. An aromatic scent very similar to what Alec emanated was weakly present now in the hall. The door closed and at the end, no one came in and what I thought was Alec's scented slowly faded, especially when my classmates started to fill the seats in front of mine. Some looks were directed my way but no one dared to make a comment or anything at all. The whole lecture went by smoothly, thankfully. Today's lecture was in charge of Mr. Luke, my biology professor. Mr. Garroway was one of the nicest professors of my whole roaster so when I was called over his desk when the hall was almost empty, I was comfortable enough to let me guard down.

"Are you doing alright Magnus?", was the first thing he told me as I seated on the seat right in front of his desk.

"Sure, I am Luke."

"Not that I totally know how it is supposed to be, but I could recall Jocelyn telling me that she had a hard time the very firsts days after we mated."

"Well, trust me, easy is not the word I would use to describe all of this."

"I kind of imagined it. I just wanted to check on you. Hope you get through it smoothly Magnus."

"Thank for worrying, Luke.", our chat was then interrupted by someone who abruptly entered the hall.

"Good Morning. Mr. Garroway. Sorry for interrupting." , I didn't even need to look up to know who the owner of that voice was. Now I knew that the person who tried to get in before was him, the alluring fragrance from before was back.

"He seems like a nice guy."

"Yeah, he is... wait, how do you know?"

You Know What? F**king Bite Me! (How Did You Dare To!?) [MALEC ~ Alec X Magnus]Where stories live. Discover now