Just Eating Food

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Me and Benny sit in our chair happily chatting to each other laughing and learning more. I learned that she loves video games, food, and weirdly enough people with brown hair. While she learned that I love movies, video games, and books. So we continue chatting until Slenda says, "Breakfast is ready I'll get the others." She then walks off to wake everyone up. Benny then lazily asked, "Hey can you get some pancakes for me?" I sigh lightly and say, "Sure how many do you want?" She quickly responded with "Two." I nodded and stood up off the bar stool and walked towards the other side of the table. I fumbled around trying to find the plates. Benny laughs as I find my treasure that consist of two plates and put two pancakes on one plate and one on the other. "Would you like any syrup?" Benny smiles lightly as her head nods up and down, "Just tell me when to stop." I begin to pour syrup onto the once fluffy pancakes. I continue to slowly pour as I look for Benny's signal to stop. After a few seconds her left hand raises and she says, "Ok that's good." I then quickly pour syrup on to my pancakes. I pick up both plates and walk to where Benny is situated. I hand her a plate and then she pulls me into a sudden hug. The hug only last a few seconds because Ms.Stabby lady punches me in the face. I fall to the floor and my cheek starts to burn, blood slowly pours out of my nose. I wipe it off only for it to be replaced with more blood. I hold the bridge of my nose as I stand up and rush to the sink, grabbing a paper towel on my way. I clean the blood from my nose as I hear Benny angrily speak to knife lady, "What the f$ck Jess." Jess chuckles creepily and says, "He cannot touch anyone here. If he does he will bleed in more places than his nose." I turn the sinks handles and splash warm water onto my bloody face. "Did you hear that dimwit?" Jess asks me, "Yes ma'am." Jess hit me hard on the back leaving with a plate of pancakes in her hands. Benny walks up to me and attempts to grab my shoulder but I pull away from her saying, "You heard what she said what she'd do to me if I touched anyone." Benny chuckles at my panic and says, "Come on let's eat." I nod walking back to my seat. I pick up my fork and begin to eat my food slowly.
       Benny and I chat peacefully for a while. But as we talk my eyes dart towards the door and back to Benny. Two pairs of foot steps come close to the door, my eyes dart to the door and sit there anxiously waiting for two figures to walk into the door frame. Benny notices my distress and puts her hand onto my shoulder. My eyes widen and I stand up and slowly walk into a wall, crunching up into a tiny ball on the floor. I hold my knees close to my face and silently panic for a few seconds. Benny slowly approaches me and says, "Jess won't kill you. Slenda forbids it. And if she does it anyways then she's going to have to deal with the wrath of Slenda." I still sit on the floor in a little ball rocking back and forth. Benny holds out her hand and says, "It's ok, we're not too insane." My eyes move up to her hand. I let go of my other hand and hesitantly take her hand. Benny pulls me to my feet and says, "Now that wasn't as bad as you thought it was, right?" I nod hearing the footsteps come into frame. A girl with brown hair a black hoodie and a unsettling mask that makes it look like she has no eyes comes into frame. Scratch that she actually doesn't have eyes, I've looked at it from every angle and I couldn't spot any trace of her eyes. The girl next to her is the same girl from the hallway that basically beat the ever living sh$t out of Jess. The girl had dark brown hair, semi pale skin, and a dark gray hoodie. Weirdly her left eye had a clock in it, while her other eye is as green as the grass we walk on. They instantly spot me the second their heads poke through the door. I, cowardly, stand behind Benny waiting for my doom. "Hello new comer, welcome to the family." The girl with the blue mask says. I poke my head out from behind Benny saying, "Hello, I'm Mike." The girls look directly at me and shrug nonchalantly. Benny walks back to her chair and I follow. The girl with the blue mask pulls a small container out of the freezer. She sits next to me opening her box. Inside sat a human kidney. She pulled it out and ate it. At first I was horrified by this new found knowledge, but I swiftly got over it and continuing eating my food normally. The lady with no eyes noticed me and said, "Are you ok with me eating this?" I thought for a minute, thinking over my answer, and said, "Yeah. I can't stop you, and since I'm going to be living here I figured, I should just get used to it." The lady holds out her hand and says, "The names Jackie." I took ahold of her hand shaking it while saying, "Nice to meet you Jackie." We ended our hand shake and continued to talk with each other. Jackie likes books, human liver, and all of her family.
       The girl with the clock in her eye listens to me talk and says, "Why were you running in the forest?" I was caught off guard by this and told my story of abuse, "I was born into a family that hated me. At first they acted like they cared, but when I turned ten and they had my baby sister they used me as a punching bag. Saying things like, 'you were a mistake you were never supposed to be born.' It all sounds fake but it happened, and it was terrible. So one night I snuck out of the hell hole I called my room and ran. And here I am now." They stared at me. But the clock lady seemed to feel some sort of sympathy for me. She broke the awkward silence by saying, "I'm sorry to hear that. The names Clockwork, but you can call me Clocky." I smiled and said, "Nice to meet you." We all continued to talk and I actually learned quite a bit about Clocky. She likes tinkering, video games, and privacy. Seems like that's all the girls living here converged in the kitchen. All besides Jess and Slenda.
Jess's POV
       I sat on my bed eating my pancakes and hear the door knob turn. The door opens revealing Slenda. She gets straight to the point by asking, "Why do you dislike Mike?" I quickly respond saying, "Let's number it off shall we. Number one he's human. Number two he's a boy. And number three, remember this one, he fucking stabbed me." Slenda looks at me a calmly says, "Give him a chance. He's been through pain like you have. Sure it might not be as bad as being burned but he was unwanted, unloved, and lost trying to escape his life. Also, please refrain from swearing." Slenda turns and closes the door behind her. "He doesn't deserve a chance." I mumble to myself.

       So hey, I finished my other story. So that's cool. Anyways, enjoy your day and goodbye.

Human from the album 'The Definition' (2014) By: Jon Bellion

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