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I always work on chapters ahead of time, so a lot of this story is completed and I'm beginning to become very impatient to publish certain chapters on their correct day.

day seven; write a scene with no dialogue.


During the next week after the female's shopping spree, the weather had dropped dramatically. Temperatures were completely abnormal, chunks of hail had poured throughout the city, and wind swirled objects around-all during the same time frame. It was the type of weather that could only depress a person further.

Belle was absolutely terrified of storms, she had rarely witnessed a storm until she moved away from the bittersweet farm. The brunette adored the cold, but the recent change was unbearable. She scurried into her car immediately after she had been warned about a massive storm approaching the town. Somehow the brown haired female felt safer in her car as she drove around the city, rather than her rental apartment. Belle was in need of a distraction.

Emma on the other hand, adored the thrill of storms; almost as much as she enjoyed the thrill of big concerts. The wet drops falling from the clouds were tempting her to play in the rain. Emma was aware that her friend wasn't very found of this harshening weather, so she sent a text message to the brunette-asking if they wanted to do something. Immediately after the text was sent, a reply was received stating that Belle would pick her up in an half hour.

The duo were mute as the brunette drove to a foggy brick building deep within the city. The inside of the car would have been completely silent, but the crying clouds prevented so. The quietness wasn't awkward; it was more of an abnormal feeling.

Emma and Belle rushed out of the car and sprinted to the building. Unfortunately, the rain was very heavy and rapid so once they were hit, it felt as if each of the girls were stung by a bumblebee. Painful screeches filled the alley as they ran to the rusty door. Emma had absolutely no clue to why her friend had taken the two of them to such a lower-class styled place, but she assumed the reason being something grand was lying on the inside.

The internal rooms of the hard brick building were incomparable to the external view. The first room they entered could have been considered as a four star hotel lobby. Red velvet was the dominant color of the room, but the gold accent brought out the classical features that the deep red did not. Bright lights were shinning everywhere through the room and it reminded Belle of a happier time in her old past.

An intimidating and strong man dressed in all black approached the two. Emma was terrified of the unknown stranger, but Belle had a mischievous smile as the man nodded to her. Did the brunette know the man? Emma wondered about all the things her recent friend hid from her acquaintances and the real world. Does this mean Belle trusts her?

Belle bumped Emma in the bicep with her bony elbow to awaken the blonde from her thoughts. The brunette signaled with a wave for Emma to follow her and the mystery man into the next room, and the blonde felt pressured into doing so.

The next room was the exact opposite of the previous; it felt dark, cold, and sent chills to the blonde. Belle felt untouched by the room, though. It seemed as if it wasn't her first time visiting the dreaded place. There were only minor lights hanging highly off the walls to bring a bare minimum of sight. In the middle of the blank room, were four dark oak chairs surrounding a large mossy green table. Three out of the four chairs were occupied by men, which Belle sat in the only chair left. The blonde stood behind her friend, leaving a reasonable amount of space between herself, Belle, and all of the strangers.

Emma was oblivious to what was happening in front of her and as the harder she pounded herself for a possible reason, she only confused herself farther.

The man that had led the friends into the current room opened a large chest from the corner, to which he placed a metallic grey and metal suitcase in front of Belle. The brunette briskly opened the case after she typed in a code; to grab lots of circular poker chips, and an massive amount of cash.

The conclusion finally hit Emma as she mentally noted a couple of clues.

*Her friend was familiar with the people surrounding this current room; Emma could just feel friendly tense.

*She was excellent with counting money.

*She applied at the office for treasurer.

*Belle always had tons of cash, thrown messily into her purse.

*The brunette was excellent with deceiving people, and was great at anything that involved a bit of negotiating.

Belle had a major problem; a gambling addiction.

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