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day twenty two; write a scene where two characters kiss, unexpectedly.


Matthew hadn't heard from Emma in a lot of days, to which he became mad once again without her letters.

They brought him back to earth, away from his negative thoughts, away from going absolutely mad and spending the rest of his life stuck in a mental physicality.

To keep him company, he would usually call an old childhood friend of his, Alex. She had always been there for him, and in his eyes, he saw her more as a sister rather than a friend.

"You don't look so great," Alex stated truthfully as she walked towards Matthew. He was drawing a picture, upside down. "What are you even doing?"

"You'll see," he mumbled sadly.

"Look, I know you miss her and all, but I don't think she's coming back. It's been over three weeks."

"Shut up!" Matthew spat.

"I'm sorry, you mean a lot to me and I don't like seeing you depressed." Alex answered apologetically as she set her warm hand on his shoulder, as a gesture of comfort.

"I am not depressed-" Matthew yelled but was interrupted by himself as he turned to face the female touching his shoulder. He didn't see Alex, but he saw Emma.

She was wearing a bright neon blue shirt, making her ocean blue eyes pop out extremely, white jean shorts with little holes ripped throughout the denim, and the shining rays of the giant sun complimented her long, blonde, and curly, hair perfectly.

"Emma," Matthew stuttered in a silent whisper just before he pressed his lips to hers. The way their lips moved together felt perfect, but unfamiliar. Kissing Emma McClaire never felt like this, she was clumsy, impatient, and sort of sloppy. He quickly opened his eyes, only to find Alex in the spot of the figurative Emma.

"You're insane," Alex calmly stated. "Almost as insane as this drawing," the female's skinny finger pointed to the drawing to which Matthew stared at it.

He flipped the drawing around so it was facing him, and a tear fell down his face as he recognized what he drew.


The exact replica of the vision he had "kissed."

Sad Eyes (Republished)Where stories live. Discover now