sassy quote

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Using only a quote from a scene in My Sassy Girl

And making it into a letter because letters

day nineteen; steal a scene from a movie or fairytale, but write it in your own words. Or change it so that what you want to happen, does happen.



Emma had left Matthew, stating she "needed time alone."

He soon became very depressed, but she had sent him a few letters telling him she is coming back for him.

The letters had started to lift his soul from the darkness, to which he would feel intensely sane when he would receive another each week.


Dear Matthew,

I am still coming back for you, to which I think that time is soon. I have been staying with my mother lately, incase if you were wondering.

I understand if you never want to speak with me again, due to my incapability to commit to another, but I apologize from the bottom of my heart and I promise you,
I am ready for us, but only if you are.

If we never see each other again, and you're out walking one day and you feel a certain presence beside you,

that will be me, loving you, wherever I am.

I am madly in love with you, please don't forget.

Love lots,

Emma ❤︎


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