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There is a possibility to replace some of the days with extra ideas, so that's what I'm doing with this one.

16 more chapters left omg

day fifteen; write a "scene" that is told entirely in the form of a letter from one character to another.



Dear Belle,

How are things with Derek? I hope everything works out for you. Do you like living in Germany? I know I would. Oldenburg is a strange name for a city, yet I'm not German.

Was Derek happy you surprised him? I hope he was, because he makes you happy. I can see it in your eyes. The office misses you, and so do I. They all ask me how you are doing, but I don't know what to tell them because I really don't have an answer that is honest.

I simply lie and tell them "great," so they don't bother you with multiple questions.

I met this guy two days ago in the coffee shop by the mall, he's an artist. I was sitting by myself when suddenly he sat across from me with a sketch pad; giving me a clear view or what he had drawn.

It was a picture of me, sitting alone with my coffee-staring out the window.

His precise detail made me feel beautiful, he hadn't missed a single strand of my messy hair nor my mascara filled eyelashes.

His name is Matthew, like the poet you like Matthew Arnold. Too bad my Matthew doesn't like poetry, instead he draws.

I was checking world news, and I heard there was a storm coming your way, don't forget what I told you.

"sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."

Let's please catch-up. You don't know how sorry I am.




I finally stopped,

I hope you did too.


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