Chapter 2

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Dean implies the things a man his age can do to you rather than a boy your age and goes into detail.

"(Y/n)? Hey!" you were greeted with that breath-taking smile once the door opened.

"Hey, hope I am not interrupting?"

"You? No, never of course." he chuckled "Come on in, kid."

"I just- I was a little bored and a lot more hungry and-" you laughed awkwardly "So I made some pie and just... here." you decided to hand him the plate.

"Are you trying to corrupt me, missy?" he asked with a smirk although it was completely the other way round.

"Wh-what? No, no absolutely not, Mr Winchester. I just-"

"Relax, (Y/n)." his chuckle cut you off "I am just kidding, don't worry your secret's safe with me. No words are coming outta my mouth." he winked and a small sigh of relief left your lips.

"Thank you, a lot."

"No need, I wasn't going to in the first place. You say nothing happened, I believe you. Now come on, let me offer you something to drink, yeah?" his words made you relax a little as you followed him inside the house to the kitchen.

"Oooh love me some pie." he said in a deep voice and a small giggle left your lips "My gosh!" he moaned deeply as he grabbed a piece with his hand and ate some of it "That's what I call a good orgasm, thanks (Y/n)!" he licked his lips, nodding his head approvingly.

You laughed softly "No problem, I guess."

"Oh hell yeah!" he gave you a childlike grin "I mean I've neve- oh, is that whiped cream?" he raised an interested eyebrow.

"Yep, homemade too." you said proudly as he dipped his finger in it and then in his mouth. Boy you tried so hard not to get distracted.

"Really?" his eyebrows shot up "Wow if you were a little older we'd really get a fun situation and put these incredible skills of yours to good use, princess." he chuckled and you tried to keep yourself from biting your lip and letting your mind wander to thought you shouldn't be having.

Fun situation? Oh you were interested to know what he could consider fun with you and wiped cream in it.

"Alright- I probably should have not said that out loud." he mumbled to himself before shaking his head and licking his two fingers "What would you like to drink, princess?"

"Wha- oh uh a coffee would be great." you offered him a soft smile, taking a seat on one of the chairs; clearing your throat because of how strained and squeaky your voice came out.

"Gotcha" he nodded his head, starting to prepare your coffee "Let's see if I remember it correctly otherwise... just old age, I might be forgetting a few things." he said playfully but you shook your head.

"You're not old, Mr Winchester."

"Glad to know you think so, (Y/n), but we both know the truth. I'm not as young as I used to be ten years ago." he shrugged.

"I don't care, for me you are as old as you feel."

"Then the boy you had over last night must feel like he's five huh? Seriously, what were you even doing with someone like him (Y/n/n)?" he leaned against the kitchen counter, putting his hands in his pockets.

"First, I really mean it when I said it was mostly about homework. And second; he's just a friend, that's all." you shrugged.

"Yeah a friend, if you wanna call it. But you could see it crystal clear, he was eye-fucking you." he said matter-of-factly.

"Well, that was the point." you muttered to yourself "But nothing happened so you don't have to worry Mr Winchester." you cleared your throat, saying a little more loudly.

By all means, he could never compare to Dean freaking Winchester but your gorgeous neighbor could only see you as the young girl next door even if you would be twenty years old in a few months. To him you were just a kid, he loved hanging out with you and talking, maybe flirting too, but he never seemed to show real interest in you. Just when you thought he'd make a move he'd made a full turn and either mention your parents or talk about his own age. Someone would say he would try to act like a father figure. So what other choice did you have but to try and forget him with someone else?

"You don't need some idiot like him, (Y/n)." his voice brought you back to reality "You're much better than that." he said so honestly it actually made your heart skip a beat "I seriously am surprised how you'd even give him a second glance, not to mention want to be with him."

"Why are you saying this?" you whispered and he gave you a soft smile.

"You're way out of his league, sweetheart, way above his or any other guy's pay grade. You don't even begin to realize it but if anything you are the catch here." he said casually and you bit your lip playing with your fingers "Besides, he's just a boy and that shows."

"Boy?" you asked knowing he meant a lot more by that.

"He only cares about getting into your pants, and I highly doubt he even knows that ladies come first."

"Meaning?" you said biting your lip. Why did he have to be so perfect?

"Meaning that guys his age are all about getting the job done without giving a single care about how to treasure and ravish a woman's body, how to cherish you with everything of his, show you what real passion is and slowly but pleasurably bringing you over the edge." he spoke smoothly, his one hand now resting on the kitchen counter and the other in his pocket as his eyes roamed your figure for a moment.

"And a man your age does?" your voice was barely above a whisper.

"You'd be surprised, princess." he smirked, handing the coffee to you "The-" he licked his lips, leaning against the table closer to you now as he looked away from you "The touching, the feeling of each other's bodies and them moving together, pulling and pushing and grinding while it all builds and builds and builds, before you just hit that sweet-" he stopped himself, shaking his head with a small laugh "But you kids do it differently these days, I'm sure."

"Ye-yeah, I guess some things have changed." you laughed shyly "You'd really be a good sex ed teacher in my old highschool, though."

"You think?" he gave you a boyish grin "I don't know how well I'd deal with all those horny teens laughing at the most simple thing though. Speaking of which-" he got serious "Do me a favor and keep the guy at bay, huh (Y/n)? I know a thing or two and he sure as hell doesn't seem like the type to make it all about you like he should." his eyes bore into yours "Boys like him don't even know how to handle a woman like you, how to be more skilled time after time."

"And you do?" you asked biting your lip, not even caring to say "men like you" because there was nobody like him. He paused, lips parted as he looked in front of him before he returned his eyes at you.

"I'll let you figure that out, princess." and he winked at you.

Oh Mr Winchester - Dean Winchester x Reader (Neighbors AU)Where stories live. Discover now