Chapter 2: Memories

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I took a deep breath. Did I just do that? Did I just take the joker as my first patient? A million questions were running through my head. I couldn't even think about it. Yet, I couldn't help but think about it!

I ran down the hall my hair flipping into my face and other doctors staring at me. I felt warm tears well up in me eyes, yet I had no idea why. Was it because I made stupid decision? Or was it because I didn't know if he remembered me?

I shuddered running into my office. I turned around locking the door sliding my back do it. I covered my eyes dropping the jokers humongous file. My eyes glanced over it and i grabbed it quickly. I looked at the cover of the file and read, Name: Joker, Criminal crimes: 467, Murders: 4,567, and Classified: Highly Dangerous, Good Manipulator, And Very Private.

I opened the file not even really impressed any of the info. Maybe it was because I witnessed, no not witnessed, murdered my own father?

I opened the file looking for a specific crime. I shuddered looking at the pictures. Some people were sliced from the nose to the belly button, other shot strait between the eyes, and even some that had smiles carved in there faces and ha, ha, ha's craved in other place. I flipped the page to a crime seen called Moonlight and took in a sharp breath.


"Get out." The Joker said kicking me out of the van, litterly. I let out a laugh clutching my money to my body.

"Thanks for the ride." I called to him as I got up. I tossed the bag over my shoulder so it banged on my back instead of my legs as I ran to my house. I ran into my house the door banging against the wall.

"MOM!" I shouted running into the living room. I shot strait into her arms dropping the bag of money.

"Sweetheart, where is your dad?" She asked as she held me tight in her arms.

"Um, hes gone." I whispered.

"What do you mean, gone?" My mom asked her tone sharpening.

"Mom, dad's dead." I said as she dropped me on the floor so I landed on my butt. I let out a surprised gasp as I felt a intense pain on my tailbone.

"Mom?" I questioned her.


"Mom, NO-" I was cut off as she threw a vase at me. I rolled and did a cartweel landing on my feet.


"YOU LITTLE *****! YOU KILLED HIM! I LOVED HIM!" She screamed at me. I was expecting more, but she was staring at something behind me.

"Well, well, well, looks like someones been a bad girl." The Joker said winking at me. I looked at him. He was calm and as I looked at him I saw his eyes. What I saw in them scared me, anger, no terrifying rage fill every inch of his eyes.

"What are you going to do?' I said quietly as I walked up to him.

He grinned and shot my mom in between the eyes. He burst into laughter.

"No one touches Harleen."

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