Chapter 10: Untold Plans

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***3 years ago***

"How can you be pregnant?" Selina whispered sitting next to me on a crate.

"It was one time. I didn't think it could happen. The acid he went through. It should've prevented it."

"Clearly it didn't." Her tongue sharp.

Red was looking around the place. The clock tower was a old one and was not commonly used. The floor was metal, the air cold. Broken crates were scattered in the small space. A dirty whit cloth cover the clock. Good thing to, I couldn't bear to look outside.

I watched Selina as she walked silently over to the sheet. I could see the orange hue coming from the outside. She pulled it back with a sharp tug and I turned away. I couldn't see what he had done. He was trying to find me and I couldn't let that happen.

"He burned an entire town down." She hissed.

Red sat down on the floor in pain. "He burned my children. I hear their screams, their begs for help. He will pay."

"NO!" I screamed jumping to my feet staring at Red. "He's trying to find me, love does crazy things to people."

"LOVE? Your just a doormat and your letting him walk over you!" Red snapped her vines snapping the ground in anger.

"Harley, abuse is not love." Selina said delicately pulling the sheet back to it's original position.

"He loves me! Stop denying. . . HEY! I'm not a doormat!" I snapped at them. "Your my friends, you shouldn't say this to me." I whispered tears starting to pool in my eyes.

Selina slinked over to me putting her arm on my shoulders, as Ivy let out a sigh and shot me a sympathetic smile.

"Being friends means we also have to tell you the truth." Selina said slowly

"Harls, the truth is, he never loved you. Your a toy to him." Red finished her voice kind yet hard.

I shrugged off Selina's shoulder and sank to the ground. I gently put my hands on my stomach. I didn't understand. Why would he do this? To our baby. How hard is it to care for someone? It wouldn't kill him to love me.

"What am I going to do?" I shrieked as tears fell down my face. I wiped my hand over my eyes trying to keep the teas away. Instead, my black and red makeup came of on my hands. More tears spilled. This wasn't good for the baby.

"We will fix up this place." Red said once again looking around.

"It may not be the best home, but it will be." Selina added.

Red used her vines to lift her off the ground. "We can have the crib over by the pile of crates. And we could even keep some of the crates to store things in. Selina can get carpet, red of course. And we can have everything set up here. You can live here, get away from him." She turned back to me. I looked up at them with tear filled eyes.

"You have to promise us you won't go back to him." Red said as Selina let out a snort.

"She will go to him, it's just a matter of time." She clicked her tongue in distaste. She was much harsher then Red. Tears slipped down my cheeks again.

Ignoring Selina's comment, Ivy continued,"Promise me."

With a sharp breath, I nodded my head. I couldn't go back to him. I wouldn't. No 17 year old should have to go through this. He can't control me anymore. And I will keep it that way.

***Present day***

I pulled my car up at the deserted road. This town had been long gone. I still couldn't believe I was here. I took a deep breath and looked at the steering wheel. It had been years. After the. . . incident I never came back.

I opened the door and briefly thought over my outfit. I hadn't worn it in so long. My classic piggy tails and more then just revealing clothes. Skin tight, leather, and black and red. The way he had liked it. I shook my head.

I slowly looked up. The clock tower. It was about time I saw my girls. Three years is too long.

I didn't just break a promise.

I lost a kid.

And that pain, It makes you do crazy things.

I just hope they can forgive me.


Plot twist!!! I hope you love the update.

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