Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


After talking with Phil and Eyepatch I knew that no one here, no one in SHIELD, really knew who I am. Sure they knew about the hospital, my teacher's desk, and where I'd been working but that was all they had on me. Hell, they probably thought that the Hulk was a bigger threat than me at this point. They were nothing more than a band of idiots, too naive for their own good.

In the hours that I'd had myself holed away in my room, I could hear people walking around just outside my door. Thankfully no one had stopped to try and force me out of my room to talk or give me orders, though I had expected Phil or Eyepatch to do so within the first hour. Instead it felt as though everyone had been ordered to leave me alone and if they had then it was fine by me. To keep myself entertained I had decided to play a little game of fireball, resulting in a large black spot on the ceiling. If anyone tried to blame me for it I would just deny it, claiming that I was innocent until proven guilty.

Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?" I asked in fake happy voice that hurt my own ears to hear, forcing myself to suppress a groan of annoyance.

"Fury told me to get you, we've located Loki." I recognized the red headed woman, Natasha Romanoff's, voice from the other side of the door.

"Good for you, now what does that have to do with me?" I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. The only thing I cared about them locating was the damn tesseract because that meant I was free to leave and never come back.

"Fury wants you to come with Captain and I to retrieve him." I could tell by her voice that this was irritating her, talking through the door and my obvious lack in caring. I had no doubt that she was used to getting her way and having people listen to her, even if it was just out of fear. "Now get your ass moving and let's go!"

"Coming," I sighed as I pushed myself up off my bed and walked over to open the door. I quickly stepped out of my room and closed the door behind me so she couldn't see the ceiling damage inside. Her eyes narrowed at my quick action before glancing at my outfit, only causing her frown to deepen. I was still dressed in shorts, a baggy sweater, and pair of boots from earlier while she was in a black cat burglar type of suit that looked too tight for comfort.

"You need to change." She stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I thought we were in a hurry to catch the bad guy?" I countered before heading down the hall in the direction of where the jets had been earlier. She followed quietly and I could feel her glare digging into my back the entire time. I allowed myself the opportunity to glance back at her over my shoulder, meeting her dark eyes. The corners of my lips twitched upwards at the clear annoyance in her eyes, her hand no doubt itching to grab her gun and shoot me right there. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Are you two ready?" I turned back around at the sound of Steve's voice, finding him waiting for us by one of the jets. He was dressed in his Captain America suit, his shield strapped to his back as though it were nothing.

"The sooner we go the sooner I'm back in my room waiting to get the hell off this metal death trap." I walked past him and onto the jet. Natasha went to the front to get herself situated in the pilot's seat while Steve sat on the bench across from me. As we took off to wherever Loki had been located I could see the nervousness playing in Steve's eyes.

"You alright?" I asked him after a while, breaking the awkward silence filling the air.

"I'm fine, it's just the last time I was in Germany things didn't go over too well." He tried to wave of my concern. I knew what he meant, that was when he ended up in the ocean in a large piece of ice.

"I'm sure we won't crash into the ocean." I tried to joke but from the look in his eyes I could safely guess that it didn't have the effect I'd been hoping for.

"So who are you exactly? There wasn't anything about you in the files." He changed the subject, obviously trying to make me comfortable now, like I had with him.

"Nichole Falconeri." I introduced myself with a fake smile. "I used to study Erik Selvig's work."

"So they brought you for the same reason as Banner?" He tried to make sense of what I'd said and why I was here.

"Yep!" I smirked as I laid across the bench of the jet and just stared up at the metal ceiling. Neither of us said anything else as we continued to ride towards our destination.

"You might want to get down there Captain." Natasha's voice made me sit back up just in time to see Steve jump out of the open back of the jet. I got up and walked over to open jet ramp, a smile playing at my lips.

"Nichole!" I ignored Natasha's calls as I jumped out of the jet to follow behind Steve. I wasn't going to let him have all the fun. I roughly landed on the ground in a pile. My cheek and leg stung, telling me that I'd scratched them by falling onto the hard ground. I pushed myself up to my feet and glanced around at my surroundings. Everywhere I looked I was met by the terror filled eyes of individuals, many watching as Steve fought with a man dressed in some green costume, Loki. I watched the two men fight each other until Loki managed to knock Steve to the ground, prepared to impale him with his scepter. I glared at the weapon in his hands, a smirk making its way to my face as I watched Loki drop it was shock playing across his features.

"What's wrong Loki? A little warm?" I asked innocently as I made my way over to where he and Steve were, letting my presence known. The pale man only glared at me as I continued to smirk, proud of my actions.

"I was wondering when you'd arrive, the creature who hides and pretends to be something that she is not." Loki's words made me go cold, my smirk slipping from my face. SHIELD wasn't fully aware of who or what I was, but was is possible that Loki could know what they didn't?

Taking my shock to his advantage, Loki quickly picked his scepter back up and came charging at me with it. At the last second I ducked underneath it and punched him square in the jaw with all my strength. He stumbled back at the blow and giving Steve the chance to strike. I stepped back, choosing to watch as the two men started to fight again. Neither of them were too bad at fighting, but Steve seemed to be relying on brute force a little too much in my opinion. If he were up against a perceptive fighter then I didn't doubt that he'd be on his ass.

Before much else could happen music started to blast from the jet overhead, I recognized it as ACDC. Then I saw the blur red and gold flying close. A man of metal landed, standing a few yards away from me and next to Steve, all the weapons in the metal suit aimed at Loki.

"Your move Reindeer games." The metal man told Loki. I instantly recognized this as the famous Iron Man, Tony Stark. Loki looked at each of us and when his gaze landed on me, even though it was only for a second, I saw the ideas running through his mind. He held his hands up in surrender, a grin still playing on his lips. "Good choice."

"Stark." Steve nodded at Tony.

"Captain." Tony nodded as they grabbed Loki and started pulling him towards the open ramp of the jet. I followed behind them but before I could step onto the jet Tony held one of his metal hands up to me. "Sorry Miss, no fans allowed. This is business."

"If I see any fans I'll let them know that." I shoved past him and went to sit where I'd been before. Sadly I saw Loki there while Steve and Tony walked over to sit and talk where Steve had sat on the way here. I just gave a shrug and sat on the ground of the jet, with my back leaning against the now closed ramp. I didn't have any interest in being near Loki right now, at least not around so many people.

"So who are you?" Tony questioned me after a while. He'd raised his mask part of the suit so I could see his face, Steve had also removed his mask.

"Nichole Falconeri." I introduced myself using my alias. "And you're Tony Stark, cocky inventor and known 'superhero' of New York."

"You say it as if it's a bad thing." He raised one of his dark brows at me.

"Everyone has their own opinion." I shrugged. He just frowned at me for a few seconds before leaving me be and returning to his conversation with Steve.

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