Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


I sat with my back pressed against the side of the jet, silently counting down the minutes until we arrived back at the hellicarrier. I glanced up through my lashes, watching as Natasha kept her attention focused ahead, busy flying us. Then I could hear Steve and Tony still talking while Loki sat to the side in silence. A small sigh escaped my lips as I let my head loll to the side, having always found flying to be peaceful and relaxing. All of that seemed to shatter instantly at the sound of thunder and lightening; the sudden storm causing the jet to shake.

"Where did this come from?" I heard Natasha ask no one in particular as I stood up and cracked my back. As another lightning crack echoed in from the sky outside, I didn't fail to notice the nervous look that filled Loki's face.

"What? Afraid of a little lightning?" I teased, seeing Tony and Steve rising to their feet while I leaned against the side of the jet.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki shook his head. I frowned at his words, but before I had the chance to question him any further another bang filled the jet. My eyes flew to the top of the jet, it having sounded as though someone had landed on top of it. Tony lowered his mask back over his face before he walked to the back of the jet, pausing to stand beside me. I watched as he pressed the button, lowering the ramp as Natasha continued to fly us through the air. As soon as the ramp was open a large blonde haired man appeared before us with a large hammer in his hand, dressed similarly to Loki.

We didn't have much time to react before the man grabbed Loki and jumped right back out of the jet before we could do something. Why did people have to take things that weren't theirs?

"Another Asgardian?!" Natasha called from the front, I could just imagine the string of curse words running through her mind right now.

"Do you think he's friendly?" Steve asked as he pulled his mask back on.

"It doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him then the tesseract is gone." Tony shook his head as he got ready to jump out of the jet.

"Stark! We need a plan of attack!" Steve tried to reason with him and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. If he had any hopes of surviving then he needed to get with the time and how people tended to act without thinking things through nowadays. Why else would there be so many DUIs, car accidents, drug abusers, and teen pregnancies?

"I have a plan. Attack!" Tony threw over his shoulder before jumping. Steve and I stood back, watching as the billionaire flew through the dark sky in pursuit of the two Asgardians. Steve seemed to snap out of his daze first, grabbing a parachute and starting to pull it on.

"I would sit this one out if I were Captain." Natasha tried to warn him.

"I don't see how I can." Steve shook his head, her words seeming to sound ridiculous to him.

"These guys are basically gods." Natasha informed, repeatedly glancing from the controls to us.

"There's only one god ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Steve disagreed.

"While you both are arguing on who is or isn't a god I'll be down there." I smiled as I jumped out of the plane, not bothering with a parachute. I could hear Steve and Natasha both yelling after me, obviously thinking I was crazy to jump without anything to slow my fall.

The evening air felt amazing against my skin as I plummeted through the air and towards the ground below. As I fell I could see Tony's brightly colored Iron Man suit being thrown about below, busy fighting with the hammer guy. I scanned over the ground below until I spotted Loki sitting off on his own, watching the scene unfold for himself. Focusing on the air around me, I gave a small flick of my wrist to send me in the green clad man's direction. A smile filled my lips aS I landed a few yards away from him, though he paid me no notice as he kept his attention on the fight occurring below the cliff he was on. 

"I'm not too familiar with your people's actions, but shouldn't you be arresting me and dragging me back to the others?" Loki glanced in my direction as we watched Steve land and join in on the fight below, trying to break the two men up.

"I was told my job's to help recover the tesseract, not a crazy man in green." I shrugged. "Let them deal with dragging your ass to the hellicarrier."

"You're not too pleasant to be around, are you?" He raised a dark brow at me.

"Jury's out on that. And from what I heard, the odds aren't in my favor." I gave a fake yawn as I saw Tony, Steve, and hammer man making their way towards us, seeming to have finally settled their problems. "Took you guys long enough!"

"How are you unhurt?" Steve ignored my comment, looking me up and down for any injuries. "You jumped out of the jet."

"If I remember correctly so did the four of you and none of you are hurt." I blew off his question as I pushed myself up to my feet, dusting the dirt off my shorts. While Steve and Tony led Loki over to where Natasha had landed the jet I trailed behind them, choosing to walk alongside hammer guy.

"What is your name Midguardian?" Hammer guy questioned me.

"Nichole Falconeri, you must be Thor." I guessed, glancing down at the hammer clasped tightly in his hand. He only nodded before going off to speak with the others once we reached the jet. I reclaimed my seat in the back and closed my eyes. I just stayed there for the rest of the ride, ignoring the gazes I could feel on me every now and then.

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