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"You can't just leave!" My mom screamed at him as he went around the room, throwing various things into his bag. My mom's eyes were bloodshot and filled with obvious anger that even scared me a bit. She was never like this, she was always happy and quiet, this was the first time I'd ever heard her so much as raise her voice. "What about Veronica? Are you really going to just abandon your own daughter?!"

"She's a freak!" My father spat in my mother's face. As I looked at his dark eyes I could only see two things shining clear in them: hatred and anger.

I sat in the corner of my parents' room as they continued to argue, my back pressed up against the wall. At eight years old I didn't understand why they were both acting like this why they were so angry. My parents had always been two of the nicest people you could ever meet, but now they were acting like savages. Yelling at one another as if they didn't love the other. I knew that all of this, all of their yelling, was just because I was different from them. My father was furious because my mother seemed to accept my abnormality while he didn't seem capable of doing the same.

"Ryan, please!" My mother begged him as he closed his bag and picked it up. He looked at my mother and I could see the love for her in his eyes and pain for what he was doing and how it was hurting her. He still loved her just as much as he had a few days ago, before this all happened. When he looked at me though, the love left his eyes and was replaced by disgust and hatred. The smiling father that I had grown up with, that had kissed my forehead before I went to sleep every night, was long gone with a stranger left in his place.

"I'm sorry Lily," he whispered before he walked out of the room. I watched from my corner as he left and my mom chased after him in tears. From there I could hear her cries for him to stay and the slamming door that was followed by her sobs. Tears stung at my eyes with the knowledge that all of this was my fault. If I were just normal then none of this would be happening, my parents would still be happy and things would be perfect again.

I'm not sure how much time passed before the bedroom door opened again and my mom stood in the open doorway. She had tearstained cheeks with red eyes, her lips seemed to shine in the lamp's light due to the tears coating them, masquerading as some sort of lipstick. Her brown hair was disheveled and unruly from where she'd pulled at it while crying. She just looked broken.

"You did this." Her voice had an edge to it that made me flinch, almost venomous. She didn't move from where she stood in the doorway, her brown eyes just glaring at me with hatred in them. Just moments ago she'd been on my side, defending me, and now she seemed to hate me more than anything. It was like I was no longer her daughter but instead an intruder in her home.

"Mom?" I whispered, fear lacing my voice. Her glare only hardened as she pulled a gun out from behind her back and held it up so the barrel of it was aimed at me. I felt my tears fall from my eyes at the realization of what she was about to do to me, but I made no move to try and stop her. She thought this would solve things for her and dad, maybe she was right. Maybe everything would be fixed if I were just dead.

I closed my eyes and silently wished for my mother's problems to be fixed by my death, that her life would be better from it. For no harm to come to her for these actions since they would be for the best. For her and my father to be able to patch things up with me gone and maybe have another child, a normal one. I prayed for heaven to be real and that I might be allowed to join the grandparents that I'd never had the chance to know there.

That's when the gunshot rang out.

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