Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


"Hello there." I tensed at the sound of Loki's voice. I quickly turned around, finding myself standing just a few feet away from his cylindrical cage.

"This day just keeps getting worse." I muttered under my breath, though I knew he could hear me from the look he sent my way. Despite every fiber of my being telling me to leave I found myself stepping closer to his cage, my eyes dancing across the rounded glass wall. "They really should have found a way to soundproof that."

"What are you doing here?" He questioned me in a bored tone as I started to glance around the room. Sure enough there was a camera up in the corner that was watching us, that's how we'd seen Eyepatch in here with him earlier.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a people person. I thought this room would be empty." I frowned as I kicked at a nonexistent rock. I felt like the camera was boring into my back, inspecting my every action and word. I didn't like it one bit. Looking at Loki he seemed to be bored by my presence, but from the calculating look in his eyes, I knew he was up to something. Steve was right, he didn't just let us catch him, he had a plan.

"Yet you're still here?" He stated the obvious.

"It's you or some nosey federal agents." I shrugged. "I figure if you get too annoying I can hit a button and you're thrown from the ship. I can't really do that with all the agents."

"I believe you are capable of doing that to them just as much as you are with me." He gave me a knowing look.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I played dumb.

"Oh really?" He raised a brow at me. The way he looked at me made my skin crawl, he made me want to run and hide. But I wasn't going to show him any weakness, I wasn't going to give any of them the pleasure of seeing me squirm. "Then how is it that you hurt yourself on your first fall, but no longer have a single scratch?"

"You don't know a single thing-" I stalked closer to his glass cage with my eyes narrowed into slits, but was interrupted by the sound of the doors opening.

"Agent Falconeri!" Eyepatch's voice cut me short. I turned to find him standing in the now open doorway with Natasha by his side, both of them looking at me with angered expressions, their arms crossed over their chests. I knew that I wasn't supposed to be here, talking to the prisoner, but Loki had pushed my buttons and he knew it. He'd wanted me to be found in here, but why?

"You're lucky you're in this thing or you'd be toast by now." I hissed at Loki as a hand harshly grabbed my arm. I didn't bother to put up a fight as Eyepatch dragged me out of the room, leaving Natasha alone inside as the doors closed behind us. My jaw locked, annoyed that she was allowed to be in there while I wasn't. Of course, Eyepatch seemed to trust her while I was only an unknown variable he'd dragged along. No one ever trusted me, except for perhaps Phil, but I couldn't be sure of that yet.

"Let me go!" I attempted to pull my arm from Eyepatch's grasp, but it didn't loosen in the slightest. With anger swelling inside of me, I found myself tempted to let it go, to let myself heat up enough to burn him. The only thing that kept me from doing so was the knowledge that it would only tick the man off more, something that I couldn't risk doing just yet. 

"You're not authorised to be in there." He glared at me with his one good eye as he came to a stop in the middle of an empty hallway.

"What are you going to do? Throw me off the ship?! Go ahead!" I snapped at him. "I don't even want to be here!"

"Stay away from Loki and watch yourself Agent Falconeri before you find yourself on the wrong side of all of this." His voice rose slightly, a ton of warning. "We won't hesitate in removing you from this situation."

"Really smart, picking fights with someone that could easily burn you to a crisp." I heated up as an example of what I could do and he was quick to drop my arm. From the way his other arm flinched I knew he was contemplating on whether or not to draw his gun on me or not. Likely thinking that this would all be so much easier if I were dead, no longer a risk to his little operation. "Let's just set this straight Eyepatch. I'm not on either side, the only reason I'm here is to help get Selvig back. He's a good man and the only mistake he's ever made is getting mixed up in all of your shit. Once you have him and your precious tesseract back I'll be gone and you'll never see me again. I suggest that you work on not getting yourself on my bad side because it's ten times worse than you think it is."

He just stood there, glaring at me and no doubt wishing me dead where I stood. I couldn't blame him though. If it were up to me I would have been dead and gone a long time ago. I turned on my heel and stormed away from him with my body still hot, so hot to the point that my feet were melting the metal floor beneath me. There'd most likely be a trail of footsteps left behind me but it wouldn't be my problem, let them take care of it.

"Agent Falconeri!" He called after me with clear anger but I didn't stop.

"One more thing!" I called over my shoulder before turning a corner. "I'm not your damn agent!"

A/N: Not that long of a chapter but I felt like having a fight between her and Fury :) Comment what you are all thinking about this if anyone's actually reading it!!!

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