Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


"How goes your hacking?" I asked Tony when I returned to the lab. At my entrance both he and Bruce looked up in surprise, Tony's eyes narrowing slightly.

"What are you doing here?" Tony asked in an indifferent tone that he still managed to be cold to show that I wasn't welcomed here.

"Turns out that I'm not allowed to sulk in my room twenty-four seven." I shrugged as I walked over and sat on an empty stool near Bruce. "Phil sent me back here to 'contribute to the team'."

"How? By annoying us?" He scoffed.

Just think happy thoughts, I thought to myself. I imagined hitting Tony upside the head with a metal baseball bat and smiled on the inside. Okay, so I might need a little help with this...

"Did you read my file?" I raised a brow at him.

"You didn't have a file." Bruce interjected.

"Exactly." I grinned. "So I'll ask again. How goes your hacking?"

"Soon we'll know every dirty little secret that Fury's tried to sweep under the rug." Tony assured us as he looked over some monitors.

"Terrific." I tried to sound enthusiastic but it came out a little forced, earning me strange looks from both Tony and Bruce. The door to the lab then flew open to reveal a very frustrated looking Eyepatch, glaring daggers right at Tony.

"What are you doing Mr. Stark?" He asked, his voice deadly calm.

"Funny, I could ask you the same thing." Tony didn't hesitate to show off his well known arrogance as he met Eyepatch's gaze.

"You're supposed to be looking for the tesseract." Eyepatch reminded him.

"We are." Bruce jumped in. "The model's locked and sweeping for a signature now. We'll know when we're within half a mile of it."

"Then you'll have your little cube back." I said in a voice so sweet that I thought I was going to give myself a cavity.

"What's Phase Two?" Tony asked out of nowhere as he looked at his tablet. As soon as the question left his lips the door opened again but this time Steve came in. In his hands he had a large alien-like gun. His face was red and he looked beyond pissed at what he had held in his hands.

"Phase Two is where SHIELD uses the tesseract to create weapons." He informed us in a bitter tone, sending a hateful look at Eyepatch before looking back at Tony. "Sorry, your computer was a little slow for me."

"Rodgers, we gathered everything related to the tesseract." Eyepatch tried to cover his own ass but I could tell that he was lying through his teeth. He must be terrible at poker, he has too many tells. "That doesn't mean we're making..."

"I'm sorry Nick," Tony hit something on his tablet so a picture showed on a monitor for all of us to see. It was blueprints for a gun, the gun Steve had brought it. "Were you lying?"

"I was wrong sir, the world hadn't changed at all." Steve glanced in my direction as he said this. I had to admit, that stung a little bit. I held my tongue though as the doors opened for a third time and Natasha entered with Thor right behind her. Everything about her screamed tense, this couldn't be good.

"Did you know about this?!" Bruce questioned Natasha with narrowed eyes.

"You might want to think about removing yourself from this environment doctor. You too Miss Falconeri." Natasha suggested in a calm voice. Ah, hell no!

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