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More than twenty minutes after Paul's exit, I have not been able to take another bite of the delicious jollof rice neither have I moved an inch. The brown-eyed devil can cook, he knows his way around the kitchen, more than I ever will. But that isn't what bothers me, it's the desperation with which I acted. Okay, maybe that's not it. It's more than that, it's this little crush I have on him.

Picking up my phone, I dial Chi's number but she doesn't pick. I dial it two more times and send her a text, letting her know I am about to step out with Paul. It's my way of assuaging my conscience and if she is not comfortable with the idea, I will not go. I will, sadly, have to think up a good excuse.

My heart throbs at the thought of missing out on what he has planned for me, for us. If this is the sweet side of him Chi once talked about, I want to see more of it. My phone beeps a few minutes later, it's a simple text from Chi that says: Have fun.

I tilt my head to one side, trying to see if there's a hidden message behind those two words but I can't think of any. I nod to myself while picking up my things. Have fun with Paul? I giggle, I intend to do just that.

The elevator ride downstairs takes longer than I want it to and as soon as the metallic door slides open, I jog-walk to the garage.

Paul is leaning against my car, checking his watch at intervals. I smile, does he think I will stand him up? No way, I want this too. His head raises and our gazes clash, my breath catches in my throat and my feet forget their functions. I stand there until he comes over to wrap his arm around my shoulders and take my bag from me.

Such a gentleman.

"Thank you."

I roll my eyes, hit him lightly on the chest then gasp as I realise what I have done. He doesn't seem to mind because he chuckles and I smile, this is the most he has laughed around me since we met. I love the sound.

"You were thinking out loud," he says with a shrug and his arm comes back to his side. I smile again. "What took you so long?"

My lips squeeze as I think up a reply, I don't want to mention Chi lest he remembers they are still a couple and changes his mind about this outing. "I had things to sort out."

Paul nods and guides me to the passenger's side of my car. I raise my eyebrows, give him the key and ask, "Where are we going?"

"If I tell you, it will no longer be a surprise."

Paul unlocks the car and we both settle in. "How are you so sure I like surprises?"

I get no reply to that and soon enough, we are moving past places I didn't know exists in Calabar. The car is quiet, except for the swish sound it makes as we drive past these places and a song Paul keeps humming to.

The silence is unnerving, it makes me want to scream so I reach for the radio and turn it on. Soft music fills the car--Simi's voice and I smack Paul's hand when he attempts to turn down the volume. He won't deny me the pleasure of listening to his voice and hers. Why does he always have to be quiet?

I want you to love me ... Joromi baby...

Singing along to the heartfelt lyrics, I nod my head, do everything I can to make him talk but Paul doesn't breathe out a word. He is quiet like a programmed robot that has been told not to speak on its first mission. I send him a glare which he doesn't notice then I do the one thing that comes to mind.

I reduce the volume and let out a scream.

The tires screech and the car comes to an abrupt halt. Paul turns to look at me, his fingers come under my jaw and his eyes skim my face for any sign of injury. The concern on his face soon turns into shock, then annoyance when he sees I am fighting back a smile and I burst out laughing.

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