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Why did you leave?

I glare at my phone in disbelief, baffled at his audacity. I scoff and shake my head. A sarcastic chuckle escapes me, soon enough, I am rendered into a cackling mess. Is he for real? So, I should have stayed back and watched them smooch? Or, hold hands like couples? Yeah, right, I slap my forehead, I am so stupid for coming here. Big mistake.

Bunching my gown, I stroll down the rest of the stairs, stopping to take a deep breath when I reach the foot of the staircase. I need to find Chi. Her brother has done it again, I can't keep doing this with him. Too many secrets, I place a hand over my chest, and heartbreaks, isn't he tired? I shove my phone into my purse, a frown plastered on my lips as my feet carry me to the dining.

Chatters from the diners drown the sound of my heels, dishes I didn't take note of earlier lay across the long table housing about fifteen people of different calibres. I hesitate at the entrance, eyeing them with slight disinterest as another round of meal is served. I shouldn't be here but I can't get myself to leave. My shoulders sag, I take one more step towards the chairs backing me. Chi is the only reason I'm staying back.

Shiny metal bowls with the soft glow of the overhead chandelier reflecting on them grace the centre of the table. Half-empty plates with foreign meals sit in front of the people conversing in low tunes. I keep walking until my legs hit the back of Chi's chair. Tugging on a strand of her braids gently, I bat my eyelashes when her head turns to me with a smile playing on her lips.

Deep lines mar the foreheads of a few of the guests, none of them looks familiar except for Chi who gestures for me to occupy the space by her left. I am grateful for the lack of attention paid to me as I settle on the seat beside her. She nudges me with her knee when my gaze fixates on my hands resting on my laps for longer than it should, I sigh, flash her a weak smile and straighten up.

The couple who took her away from me sit across us, I wave at them and they return it with equal fervour. Their combined laughter floats in the air after the female whispers into her partner's ear, he bops her nose, they share a look and erupt in another round of laughter that causes my chest to tighten. I should be having this with Paul, maybe more, if only he didn't move on.

"Don't mind them," Chi whispers, "they just got married, the love is still shacking them."

Mortified that she caught me staring, I look down to my hand folded on my laps and sigh. A corner of my lips twitches, my eyes dart to the young couple and my heart squeezes at their open display of affection.

"Are you close to them?" I whisper to Chi.

She replies in the same tone, "Yeah. Ada and Obi, I call them Adaobi." Her hand goes over her mouth to stifle her hoarse laughter, I nod and my lips curl into a sad smile. That name will also work for her since she is the Ada of the house and her fiancé is Obi, a short form of Obinna. But she calls him Obim: my heart. "God. They are too cute."

Desire coats her voice, she gazes at them with admiration and the glint in her eyes intensifies. She sighs, I sigh. "I can't wait."

I squeeze her hand under the table and she offers me a shaky smile. We didn't spend so much time talking about it but I know how excited she is to get married, she will make a good wife. Rubbing my hand on my knee until that ever-present feeling of loneliness dissipates, I try to focus on other important things like my morning flight. I leave early.

By this time tomorrow, it won't matter what I saw in his room. I sigh, maybe it might but I will be at home. With those who truly love and care about me. I stifle a groan. Maybe I'll go on dates with other men too. Even if I don't get into another relationship, I can have fun, I have needs too. Needs to satisfy.

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