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Surprise surprise. We will be reading from Paul's POV. Who's excited?? Well, I am.


I watch as Pauline storms off to one of the rooms, her hips swaying with each angry, purposeful stride she takes away from me. The corners of my lips twitch as the door shuts behind her, I am just as upset as she is, maybe even more. I have no right to get mad at her for fucking that son of a bitch with the smug expression, we are not an item but it still feels like she cheated on me.

Balling my hand into a fist, I exhale and slowly unclench it. I did not relocate from Enugu for this, I came here to have a drama-free life but drama seems to follow me wherever I go. Knowing she fucked him after we kissed is what hurts me the most. I tell her I like her and the next thing she does is to find a man to satisfy her needs then find a way to blame me for it. Women. They were all the same. I left her? I scoff, the phone works both ways. She left me too.

My eyes fall on the box of chocolates on the centre table and I feel the anger gnawing at my throat. He fucking bought them for her, that simp. I let out a deep breath and shake my head. He remembered her sweet tooth and in my haste to create the perfect date, I forgot. How could I? Those tiny, sugary sweets sit in the small bowl on her desk.

After a few struggles, I manage to change into her tight shirt. It smells of her and I like it. My lips almost curl into a smile which fades away when I remember the look in King's eyes. I know that look all too well. I see the way he looks at her; I know he wants her. I want her too, every sane man should. She's smart, confident and bubbly, a perfect combination of beauty and brains.

Given the opportunity, I am certain that sly, pompous King will try to fuck her again but will she let him? I don't know. I have no fucking idea and it riles me up even more. I want to trust her, believe it's a one time thing but I can't. My fingers dig into my scalp as if it will erase the memory of our argument but her words replay over and over again in my head like a broken disc.

This Valentine's date was a mistake, a scam, I should have left as soon as he came. My chest tightens and I let out a suppressed sigh, I won't put my heart on the line again. And what is that rubbish about Chi she keeps throwing in my face? Why the hell will I cuddle with her? What's wrong with me going to cool off at her place? At least Chi doesn't kiss or fuck any of the male staff.

I shiver a bit in my jeans, I should have listened to her and stayed inside but I could not, not at that moment. I didn't want to be anywhere near her. My eyes flit across the room, the cream curtains and the large television. She is doing well for herself.

Seconds turn to minutes and Pauline is not out yet. I tug on my beards, eyes zeroing in on the door of what I assume is her room. I can't stay here in my wet jeans and if the sound of water hitting the roof is a sign to go by, then the rain is not stopping anytime soon. Bringing out my phone to dial her number, I let out a string of curses when I realise I don't have it. Great. My eyes fly to the door which opens to reveal Pauline stepping out with a short in hand.

She has changed into a tank top and shorts that stop at her midthigh. My eyes trail over her lithe figure and I let out a low whistle. She is hot and she knows it. Women like Pauline know they are beautiful and they are not modest about it. I love that about her, how she takes pride in what she does. I love a lot of things about her. I like her.

Shaking my head to rid me of those silly thoughts, I clear my throat when she keeps staring at me without saying a word. She avoids my gaze but I don't miss the small, sad smile on her lips and I have to remind myself to stay put. Time to use my head, I can't afford to get distracted or hurt again. For now, it's logic over emotions.

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