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For your case ooo, for your case ooo.

Music blares from large speakers, I plug my fingers into my ears and wonder again if this isn't a bad idea. Chi said we were going to a party so I can unwind but I didn't know she meant the club. When she insisted on us taking an Uber, I should have become wary.

Now here we are, standing in front of the club while waiting for the overly friendly bouncer to let us in. The air outside is chilly, I wrap my arms around myself to keep warm. Someone rushes past us to throw up in the gutter, I grimace and on further inspection see she's a lady. A man joins her soon after, he rubs her back until she straightens up then they make their way to one of the many cars parked in the garage.

The bouncer laughs at something Chi says, I eye both of them, getting slightly annoyed at being kept outside. Her black, sleeveless gown comes to stop above her knees, giving a glimpse of her fair thighs. How she's acting makes me question my response to the harsh weather, even the bouncer in his tiny tank top doesn't seem to notice the cold.

Chi staggers a bit when the bouncer makes a retort, they chuckle as she grips his shirt to steady herself and my irritation grows. She has been on heels all day long and I can't help but feel sorry for her poor feet.

"Can we go now?" I grumble out, letting the annoyance seep into my voice. She has a boyfriend, she shouldn't be this carefree with other males. "Or is the party outside?"

Their heads turn in my direction as if noticing my presence for the first time and I have to stifle the urge to roll my eyes. He offers me an apologetic smile while Chi rolls her eyes with a murmur of how much I need to loosen up. Yeah, like standing outside and making dry jokes will help me do that. After a nod from her to the bouncer and a fake smile from me, she grabs my hand and we make our way inside the club.

The music hits my ears with a force that has me fearing I'll go deaf if we stay here much longer, I wince and sigh in relief as we make our way further away from the noise. We walk a few more steps before I look back at the dancefloor where sticky bodies grind against themselves, the joy on their faces showing I am the only one who has an issue with the loudness of the music.

We finally reach a quieter place, the music fades into the background. My brows raise when Chi hesitates at the foot of the stairs to give me a onceover and seek my opinion on her choice of jewellery--a silver necklace with a box pendant that rests on the swell of her breasts. I nod my approval, she chuckles and gives my hand a small squeeze.

I stop her from taking a step forward to ask, "Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah." She offers me a nervous laugh, I roll my eyes and she is forced to add, "I haven't seen them in a long time. I want to be sure I look my best." The glare I send her has a genuine laugh escaping her lips. She always looks her best, we both know that. "I'm serious," she takes my hand, "let's go."

There is a shift in the atmosphere as we ascend the short stairs, my eyes scan the place, trying to process everything at once. In all my twenty-four years on earth, I have never been to a club and I need no soothsayer to tell me this is the VIP section.

"Hey," Chi greets some of the men seated on the long couch with wide grins. I offer them small smiles, following behind her like a child on her first outing with her mother.

She whispers names and titles into my ear as we pass by the handsome men to take a seat. By the time she's on the introduction of the fourth person who also happens to be the son of a Senator, I tune her out. So far, we have the Governor of Calabar son here, two senators children and one House of Representatives child present. That's one too many politicians children in one place.

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