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Mr Adams calm exterior cracks for a second before his mask of indifference comes back on when I show him the message. It is a picture of Pauline with her legs and hands tied to a chair. I run my fingers through my face and take another look, she doesn't seem awake which I am glad about because I can't imagine the pain she's going through.

This is on me. I have to fix this and I need to do that soon. But where will I start?

Zooming in on the picture for any clues, I groan, nothing stands out except for the time of the message which sends me into a mini panic. I grit my teeth and let out my breath slowly, the text was sent six hours ago. Six fucking hours and I was there, in the comfort of my house napping while my girlfriend was being tied to a chair. Fuck.

Is she hurt? I hope not or I won't be able to forgive or live with myself. Forcing myself to take another glance at the picture, I sigh and try to avoid conjuring gory images in my head since the quality doesn't give the best view of her face. I dial the number on my phone, it's unreachable. I repeat the action on her iPhone and Mr Adams's only to get the same automated reply. Pulling out a strand from my beards, I pace in front of his car while the gateman stares at us with curiosity written all over his face.

Mr Adams collects his phone, I motion for us to leave the house, already thinking up lies I'll give the gateman should he decide to satisfy his curious mind. I don't want the neighbours knowing how worked up I was over something that doesn't concern them. My feet drum into the floor in agitation as Mr Adams taps numbers on his screen and I hop into the car. We are wasting time.

Beads of sweat break out on my forehead, the driver turns on the AC without a word to me. I murmur my gratitude with my forehead pressed flush against the window, watching as Mr Adams speaks softly into his phone. Why can't he make his call inside the car? Doesn't he get it? Six long hours have passed since they sent that message and he's acting like we have all day. We don't.

"Where are you?" I hear him say into his phone and I wonder who he's speaking to but I don't bother to ask. Whoever it is, I do hope the person can help. Of course, he should, daddy only works with the best. Mr Adams nods to whatever the person says and a ghost of a smile appears on his lips. "Good. Stay there, we are on our way."

Sooner than later we are on our way to the hotel. The silence in the car is stifling and as soon as the driver finds a perfect parking spot, my fingers reach for the door. He stops me with a hand over my shoulder, I don't hide my irritation and glare at him. None of this is his fault, I know that but he doesn't get it. His job is to make sure my sister and I are safe, we are but Ify isn't. She needs help.

"Stay here," he says, "I'll be just a second."

This is not the right time for arguments so I nod and he leaves through the other door after patting my back. True to his words, he returns in a few minutes with Chi who joins me at the back while he moves on to the passenger seat. The driver starts the car, I sigh and look out the window. Ifunaya likes to do that and I try to picture what she sees. I don't try to imagine what must be going through her mind but I hope she knows we are doing our best to get her back. To me.

"What's up?" Chi asks with her eyes darting between me and Mr Adams. Her expression is hopeful and for a brief moment, I wish I can share in her ignorance of the current situation. Bringing out my phone to show her the picture and also update her on the state of things, my eyes meet with Mr Adams in the rearview mirror and he gives a subtle shake of his head. "Anything?"

"Nothing yet," I say and a wave of anger surge through me. I am lying again. It is my lie that got us to this point in the first place.

I cast Chi a glance, her eyes are closed with her head against on the headrest and a sigh escapes me. Shaking my head, I clench and unclench my fists, telling her the truth will only do more harm than good and she looks tired. I sigh, I will worry for the two of us.

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