Chapter 23

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Last night. I had to many things on my mind. Every detail replaying like a broken record in my head. A weight had been lifted off my shoulder but was now replaced with remorse, for not realizing what Erik has been feeling inside. I was just happy we were going back today.

"Ready to go? " My mom asked when I walked out of the restroom.

"Where's Erik?" i asked not seeing him by the door with Tristian and my mom. I wanted to at least have some kind of heart to heart with him before I left.

"He went to a friends house." said my mom with a sad expression on her face. Then we left to meet up with Chris.

Chris was waiting at the door of the restaurant.

"Andrea." he kissed my mom.

"Landon how are you i haven't seen you in months."

"Hey Chris im good."

"and this must be your boyfriend?"

"Mom!" I looked at her. Did she already tell her book club as well.

" it's okay, ive had gay friends. Hi I'm Chris." he said holding out his hand out to Tristian

"I'm Tristian nice to meet you."
I guess it was cool that he was ok with it. It made me like him a little more. Lunch went well we caught up with Chris and he talked about his job and asked how'd we met.

"Funny story I actually hit him with the door." Tristian admitted.

My mom and Chris laughed. "Awh the aggresive approach, i like it." Chris said.

"Yup fastest why to meet someone." Tristian joked smiling at me while holding my hand. I smiled at back at him. "I'll be right back I'm gonna get more to drink." He told us.

"Hes really great Landon." Chris said.

"Yeah he is." I agreed, smiling.

"This is nice, and it has your name! Where'd you get it?" My mom said touching my bracelet.

"Thanks. It was a gift." I said looking at Tristian.

"How sweet of him." My mom said.

After lunch Chris came back home to tell me and Tristian, good bye. Sadly Erik still wasn't there.

"ok so i packed all the food in the cooler for you and your friends."

"Thanks mom." I said kissing her on the cheek.

"and it was nice meeting you." she said giving Tristian a hug. "you can come back anytime."

"Same here. and thank you for having me." Tristian replied.

"I love you." she said again giving me one last hug." see you in few weeks."

"Love you too."

"bye!" we said pulling away. After that we picked up Mason and met up with the others. Another long drive back to Hope.

Tristian's point of view.

The past few days since we've been back have been kinda weird. I felt like I saw less of Landon. Even though i worked and finals were coming up, it was like an emotional distance was between us. Even in his texts it was like he was unattached. Maybe im imagining it. Then again maybe he just needed time to recover from the break. It was fun and I liked meeting his family, but he also came out and had an argument with his brother.

Once we came back there was a snow storm, or more like a freeze the news had called it. Pipes from homes burst there was black ice on the roads really bad that they had to close the bridge. They even cancelled a day of a school. It was perfect for students to study and have no distractions. At least, that's what I did.

I did most of my studying in my warm comfortable room. It was to walk to the library. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Landon." i said excitedly when i opened the door.

"Hey." he said kissing me. " I thought you might be in need of this." He said handing me a hot chocolate.

"Thank you." I said. "yeah im always in the mood for this."

"Sorry we haven't hung out I've been so busy."

"Yeah, no its fine. Want to come in?" I asked happily.

"Can't tonight." He turned down.

"okay." I said lightly.

"But I can hang out tomorrow?" he smiled.

"Yeah." I agreed. "how about we go out on me."

"it's a date." he said giving me that smile i loved. "Love you." he said giving me one last kiss before he went to his room.

"Love you too."

Finally it was Saturday. Everyone including myself can finally relax. And i can finally spend time with my amazing and hot boyfriend. It's still a surprise that he's mine and I'm his. The thought still brings me butterflies. He, always brought me butterflies. Landon was the best person in my life right now. We were two people accidentally and deeply in love.

I put on the necklace he gave me. I now wear it all the time. Looking at the pictures and especially the one of us two.

I came to this town as an impulse, risk maybe. I didn't know much of it really just from what I saw on the brochures. I had no idea what would happen here. I just wanted a new start, and its what I got and more. In a weird way, this seemed like where I was supposed to be. The first step of becoming Tristian. I looked in the mirror. I changed so much. I slid on my boots, grabbed my coat and scarf, then headed out the door.

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