Chapter 27

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Saturday. At least i have the freedom to stay in bed all day. I just got the worst news of my life yesterday. I felt broken. How can I be with out Tristian in my life... Mason brought me food because i didn't feel like leaving the room. Ashley and Steven also dropped by to see me, and so did Tristian's friends. I didn't even want to get up to go to the restroom but my bladder was going to burst if i didn't. Yazmin told the last time they talked he told her how much he loved and missed me.

At the lobby I took a glimpse at the tv everyone was still watching the news. It showed pictures of the people that they found. Two of the girls came to this school.

After i took a shower my mom called and said she was down stairs.

"Mom!" i said running up to hug her.

"Landon." she said hugging me. "Chris wanted to come to, but he had to work."

"That's ok." then i looked behind her. "Erik.."

"hey. Im sorry about Tristian." he said walking closer and i did the same hugging him tight. "Im sorry, for everything. I was just mad and being stupid."

"Its ok. i forgive you." i said patting him on the back. "Thanks for coming."

"You want to go out to eat with us?" my mom asked.

"Yeah let me get my stuff." I was glad they were here. I needed my family. I needed my brother again.


"Can i stay in the hotel with you guys tonight?"

"Yeah whatever you want honey." my mom replied.

I texted Mason and told him i was sleeping with my family tonight.

My room just reminded me of him and i didn't think i would get any sleep if i stayed there.

I looked at all the pictures of him on my phone. then watched the video he recorded on the trip. "Say cheese. wait Landon its not working. oh wait never mind its recording. Say hi!"

He was so happy and so full of life. I wished i could've enjoyed our company a little bit more. With my headphones on I replayed that, and the voicemail over and over before i went to sleep. Tears filled my eyes. It hurt knowing I will never see him again. I'll never be able to feel his touch, or tell him how much I loved him.

"Landon." a whisper woke me.

I was in the hotel room alone. The sun light lit the room through the curtains. it was like the sun was out side my window. I got up and walked over to it. I peeked outside but it was to bright to see anything. I parted the middle of the curtains then pushed them open.

The woods were right outside. It was like something that belonged on a painting. The sun shined down on the trees. There were flowers birds and no signs of snow. A deer appeared in front. It was eating grass then spotted me. It looked at me wiggling it's ears. Then gracefully walked into the trees giving me one last look. Then sunlight followed it, until it and the deer were gone. Then i woke up.

Me and my family ate breakfast at a diner early in the morning.

"Hey Landon, we were thinking maybe you could invite your friends to eat with us today. Since we didn't get to see them on Thanksgiving." My mom asked.

"Yeah I'll ask them." when we left i looked across the street at the antique shop. I couldn't believe it. "Hey. You guys go sight see for a little bit i have to go talk to someone. I'll be right back."

"sure." replied Erik.

I walked into the store, The lady was sorting out papers looking sad. "Sorry we're closed."

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