Chapter 26

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I woke up with a unexplained feeling. I looked at my alarm 7:20, right on time for my 8:00 final today. I quickly got ready and headed to the campus. I didn't even bother turning my phone on since it needed to be on silent anyway.

I finished the exam in an hour. I can finally breathe. I headed back and notice that everyone seemed to be out all over the campus. In the dorm, everyone gathered in the lobby and around the TV. When I opened my door Mason and Yazmin were sitting on the bed.

Yazmin stood up, "where were you we kept calling you!"

"I was at my final what's wrong?" I said and saw that she was crying.

"Landon something's happened. With Tristian."

"what?" i asked shocked.

"There was an accident." she said with tears falling down her cheek.

"No." i denied. then ran out the room.

"Landon!" she called.

i ran to the living area where all the guys were watching the news. I couldn't believe my eyes. It  was a video taken by the helicopter. The bridge was gone.

"That was footage of the bridge here at Hope taken earlier this morning. The accident occurred around eleven thirty last night. Officials are still conducting an on going investigation to see what caused this.  Speculations say it was due to the crash that happened earlier this month's others say the bridge was too old." Said the news castor. I couldn't believe it. "So far the accident has left 5 injured, 6 still missing and 3 deceased."

"some of them went here" a guy said.

It can't be. Then i felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Yazmin.

"Landon, Robert was with him and he's at the hospital. Maybe we should see him."

"Yeah." I agreed. I wasn't ready to hear what everyone was already thinking.

Mason drove us to the hospital. The main road was blocked off and gone so we had to go the long way. When we finally got there, the Hospital was packed. I basically ran in.

"Excuse me. Have you gotten a patient by the name Tristian Sanchez?" I asked the nurse.

She looked at a chart. Looked up sadly and say "Im sorry hes on the missing persons list."

I lost my breath.
"What about the name Robert. Can I see him?"

"Robert Hume. Hes in third floor Recovery unit.

"Come on you guys." I said heading to the elevator. I heard sobs as I passed by. We got on the third floor. "Excuse me can you tell me which room is Robert Hume in?"

"Yes let me check."

"Hes in room 521." The nurse said.

We got to his room and his girlfriend I guessed, was with him.

"Landon hey." He said bandages covering his arm, leg and head.

"Hey Robert how are you doing?" I said taking a seat next to his bed.

"Good I guess." He said sadly. " they said I got a concussion and I got a broken leg."

"I'm sorry." I said. "So you were with Tristian last night?" I asked getting teary eyed.

"Yeah. We went to see a movie, all of us." He said, His girlfriend held his hand. "Then we were going home. And we stopped at the bridge. I went to see what was happening.

Tristian stayed in the car watching me. Then it happened so fast. The floor came up and threw me, thats when everyone ran and then the bridge fell down." He said sadly. I started to get tears.

"Did you see him? Do you think he could've made it?" I choked. Yazmin put my hand on my back.

"I'm sorry, Landon. We were parked in the middle." I let out a breath. I felt like my heart was crushed. I couldnt breathe so I got up and left the room.

"Landon." Yazmin said hugging me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

It hit me, he was gone. I baled my eyes out right there in the hallway. Mason then came out and hugged me at the same time. My heart was ripped out. I couldn't lose another person that I loved. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. Not Tristian.

After I calmed my self down, I came back in the room. "I'm glad your ok Robert. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks Landon and thank you guys for coming.  And Landon, he called you, after the movie. He said he wanted to see you last night."

"Really?" I said happily.


"Thanks." I said then we left the hospital there was nothing left for me there.


"You want us to get you something to eat?" Mason asked when we came to the room. "Yeah thanks." I said then they left.

I turned my phone on and my mom immediately called.

"Hello." I gulped.

"Landon where have you been. I was scared. I've been calling. I heard what happened are you ok?"

"yeah and Im sorry." I coughed. "I had my phone off."

"Landon whats the matter?"

"Mom." I swallowed. "Tristian was on the bridge."

"what?" she asked in disabelief.

"Mom, hes gone." I cried.

"Landon im sorry."

"I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"Honey its alright, its going to be alright. im coming to see you. ok?"

"you dont have too."

"yes I do. I'll be there as soon as possible. ok?"

"okay." I swallowed.

"I love you."

"Love you too. bye"


I looked at my phone. I had a lot of missed calls and 3 voice mails. I scrolled down. Missed call from Tristian. And there was a voicemail.

"Hey Landon. I know it's kind of late and your probably already asleep. I wanted to know if I can see you tonight. I miss much. im starting to see you in everything." he chuckled. " and I'm sorry, for the things I  said that night. I would go back and change it." he sighed. "I just want to hear your voice. I love you. bye."

"I love you too" I said. It hurt so much. He couldn't be gone.

That night I silently cried my self to sleep. I dreamed about every second I spent with Tristian. I dreamed about his smile, his voice and a red rose.


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