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I gasped and jumped from my seat, looking in awe at the scene in front of me. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and jumped out of my car, rushing to the persons aid in front of me. My anger towards Malik and my drowsiness from working 23 hours made me make the wrong turn, subsequently making me hit another car accidentally as I left work.
"Oh my god! Are you okay!?"

A tall, brown skinned man emerged from the car with a slight scar on his forehead. Once he put his face up, I realized that it wasn't just any man, it was Kyrie Irving. I also realized the slightly angry look on his face.

He sighed and dusted himself off.
"I'm..I'm fine."

I gave him an apologetic smile as I looked from his car to him.
"Sorry. I'm not the best driver."

"I've noticed." He said, touching the cut above his eyebrow.

I gasped.
"Oh your hurt!"

He waved it off.
"It's nothing. I'm fine."

"I have an first aid box in my car. I can fix it, you know, so your not going wherever your going with a bloody eyebrow."

He chuckled and leaned against his car.

I rushed over to my car, reached in the glove compartment, and grabbed my first aid box.


My anger earlier faded as my eyes landed on the beautiful light skinned girl in front of me. The situation with Kehlani and even the fact that I was just in an accident faded from my mind and the only thing I thought of was this mystery woman. She came back from her car and pulled out some alcohol, gauze, and a clear bandage out of her first aid box. She dapped the gauze in alcohol and dotted my cut. I winced slightly and she gave me a slight smile.

"It's okay. You a nurse?" I asked, referring to her scrubs and her first aid box.

She nodded.

I nodded back as she placed the bandage on my eyebrow. I sat up as she put everything back in her first aid box.

"Do you want my insurance information?" She asked, looking back at my slightly damaged car.

I shook my head.
"No. No your fine."

"Are you sure? I feel bad-"

"I have the money to fix this. It's nothing." I smiled, making her feel a lot better about herself.

She nodded.
"Okay. Again I'm so sorr-"

"It's fine. I accept your apology."

"Thank you. Have a good day." She smiled, grateful.

"I didn't get your name." I said, as she turned to go back to her car.


Did I hear that correctly?
Kyrie. Andrew. Irving wants to know my name? Even though I look a mess and I'm in my scrubs I've been in for 23 hours.

I turned back and smiled.

"I'm Kyrie." He said, extending his hand.

"I'm Paris."

We shook hands as he bit his lip at me.
"I hope we see each other again under better circumstances." He chuckled.

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