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*A Month Later*

"Hi. Is this Paris Thompson?"

"Yes. This is she." I smiled, into the phone.

"Hello Paris. This is Katie Bruntsworth, head coordinator of nurses division at St. Jude's in Boston, Massachusetts."

"Hi Katie.."

"I have looked at your application and we've been strongly considering you for a position at our facility, but there were other people we had to get through..after examining your application and your credentials, and after our extensive application process, we've decided to inform you that we would like to offer you a position here."

My eyes widened as I silently yelled in joy to myself.
"That's amazing. This is such an honor!"

"We felt you were our best fit. Now how long will it take for you to come to Boston and set up an interview in person?"

"I can be there as early as tomorrow." I smiled.

"Great! So I can set you up for an interview at 4 p.m. tomorrow afternoon?"

"That works perfectly. Thank you."

"We look forward to meeting you Paris."

I hung up and immediately started jumping up and down.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I'd been wanting this job for so long. This was my ultimate goal in my career and I'd finally come so close to gasping it.

I did a little celebration dance before bumping into something behind me. I jumped and turned to see Kyrie standing there with a smile on his face.
"Oh my god! You scared me. I didn't even know you came in."

He kissed me and chuckled.
"This is our house. What's got you so excited? I mean.." He said, looking down at the huge engagement ring on my ring ringer. "...other than that.."

I smiled and sat on his lap as he sat on the bed.
"Well, you know how I've always wanted to work for St. Jude's?"

He nodded.
"Of course."

"Well...I got an interview!"

His eyes slightly widened.

"I might actually get the job!"

"Wait...which St. Jude's?"

"The one in Boston.."


"Okay. I understand that you might be upset, but-"

"Upset? Why would I be upset?"

"Why wouldn't you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as he smiled.

"Because..I also have some news to tell you." He said, kissing my hand.

"What news?"

"Remember how I requested a trade..?"

I nodded.
How could I forget? It was blasted on every sports channel and news website everywhere. Kyrie loved his team. He loved LeBron, and Kevin, and everyone else but he knew that, in order to reach a new level of his career, he had to go somewhere where he wasn't in the shadow of a bigger star..where he could be a true leader..

"Well, they found a trade for me."


He smiled and looked up at me.

My eyes widened as I gasped.

He nodded, happy that my excitement matched his.
"The news breaks tomorrow."

"Baby!" I smiled, kissing him. "I'm so happy for you! Your actually going to become a Boston Celtic!"

He smiled.
"That's why I'm happy your getting that interview. It works out perfectly. Us..moving to Boston together, starting our new lives as an engaged couple, it works out perfectly." He said, looking up at me.

I looked around at the multitude of boxes on the floor, and chuckled.
"Guess I don't have to pack up much from my house. Most of my stuff is already here."

"At least you didn't start unpacking."

I smiled.
"Thank god for that."

Before we could continue our conversation, his doorbell rang and we both looked at each other. I raised an eyebrow.
"You expecting anyone?"

"No." He shrugged.

I got up as he walked downstairs to open the door. I followed behind him as he walked over to the door and opened it, standing there for a couple seconds. I heard a couple whispers and grew confused. I raised an eyebrow as Kyrie stood at the door.
"Who is it?" I asked, walking up to them to see Kehlani standing there.

She was crying and I noticed something in her hands that made me freeze. My blood started to boil as I looked from Kyrie to her.
"What is that?" I asked him, referring to the pregnancy test in her hand.

Kehlani sighed.
"I'm pregnant." She turned to Kyrie as a tear fell down her face. "And your the father."

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