Its Not What You Think;

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"Wait..he got pissed because he wanted you to cheer for him and what did you..?"

"All I did was say that you also wanted me to cheer for you."

I was laying on Klay's couch, explaining the argument between me and Kyrie.

"Well, with me, it's fine if you cheer for him. I mean, he is your mans. I know you'll still be rooting for me."

I sat up and groaned.
"I don't even know if I want to cheer for him since he was acting like an asshole."

Klay chuckled.
"Don't be petty. I'm sure he's been pretty stressed with practice. All the players have been stressed. I'm sure he didn't mean to be an asshole."

I rolled my eyes.

"Look. All I know is that if your pissed at him then your going to be pissed all week and then you won't enjoy finals week and that's not what you want is it?"

"No." I mumbled, realizing that he was right.

"Plus, all couples go through rough patches. This is just a test of how strong your relationship is."


"Your an asshole." Tristan chuckled, sitting back on the couch in his hotel room.

I had come to Tristan on advice on how to solve, yet another argument that me and Paris had gotten into.


"Why would you make her choose between you and her family? She did also say that it was just game 1 and I agree with her when she said you sounded like a little bitch."

I rolled my eyes.
"The way our relationship has been rocky over the past couple weeks and with the stress of practice. I guess I'm just being petty with my anger now."

"This what real relationships go through man. Rough patches. It's how you get through it, that determines how the relationship will go. Now, I'm going to give you the best advice that any man has heard on women."

I looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Apologize. Simple as that."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch. I left Tristan's room a couple minutes after that and went back to an empty hotel room.
She either went to Klay's house or went over to Kevin's house to see Shaniya.
I couldn't let her spend the night angry at me, especially with the game tomorrow, so I grabbed my keys and decided to check both places. I threw on my jacket and as I was about to leave, I heard a knock on the door. A smile slightly grew on my face as I realized that she had come back.

I opened the door.
"Baby I'm sorr-" I paused when I saw that the person at the door was not Paris. "Kehlani?"

"Hey Ky!" She smiled, forcefully making her way into my hotel room.

I closed the door and sighed.
"What are you doing here? I told you weeks ago not to contact me."

"I was in town for the game and I know where you guys stay, so I decided to pay a visit to you. Especially after the last time we-."

I stopped her.
"Leave. Now."

She ignored me and examined the hotel room.
"Where is you girlfriend? I don't see her."

"She's out right now and she'll be back any second."

Kehlani stood up and sighed.
"Fine. See you at the game." She smiled.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch.

She stopped and turned to me.
"One more thing.."

"What?" I asked in irritation.

She placed herself on my lap and firmly planted her lips on mine.
"I never repaid you for helping me in Indiana."

"Kehlani what the fuck!" I mumbled against her lips, as she had no plans to pull away from my body.

Before I could pull her off, I heard a small gasp come from the door. Kehlani pulled away and my eyes widened in fear and regret.


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