The Game;

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~A couple days later~

"Shaniya! Let's go!" I yelled, as I gathered my keys and my purse.

"I'm coming puta don't rush me!" My roommate yelled back jokingly.

I chuckled as I looked down at my phone.

Bro🏀🤮: You on your way??

Me: Yes Klay. I can't let the tickets you bought me, go to waste🤗

Me and Shaniya, one of my closest friends, were on our way to the Warriors vs. Cavaliers game. Me being a Cleveland native, I had rarely gone to Cavs games unless they played against the Warriors. Shaniya walked out, looking stunning, more stunning than usual.

My eyes widened.
"Damn girl. Who are you looking good for?"

"I'm trying to snag me a basketball player like you. Ms. Kyrie Irving was flirting with me."

"Shut up!" I smiled, as we walked out to my car.

"I'm just saying girl. You'll probably see him again at the game."

"He won't even remember me."

"You're gorgeous. Trust me. He's going to remember you."


As I scanned the crowded arena, I walked to the Warriors bench, where most of the players were warming up, as Shaniya went to the restroom. I got greetings from most of the players as I was well known to the team.

"Paris!" Steph yelled, walking over to give me a hug.

"Hey Stephen. It's been a minute."

He nodded.
"It has been. How's my little sis #2 been?"

I smiled.
"I've been good. How are the wife and kids?"

"They're good. They're good."

I nodded.
"Have you seen my brother or Kevin?"

"Kevin is over there." He said, pointing to the water station. "And Klay should be out soon."

I nodded again, walking over to Kevin.
"Thanks Steph."

"Good seeing you P!"

I tapped Kevin on the shoulder who was listening to his pregame music on his phone.

He turned to me and a smile grew on his face, as he hugged me.

"Hey Kev!" I smiled, hugging back.

Aside from Klay and Steph, I was also close to Kevin even from when he first came and Klay introduced us. He was an amazing friend and Klay definitely made sure that, that's all we were. When we pulled away from our hug, I saw Shaniya walking towards me.

"Shay!" I yelled, getting her attention.

She noticed and walked over, a slight smile on her face.
"Hey! I've been looking all over for you."

Kevin noticed her and his smiled grew wider. I smirked as I noticed his reaction to her.

"Is this your friend Paris?"

"Yeah. Shaniya this is, well you probably know who Kevin is, and Kevin this is my friend Shaniya."

"Hi." Shaniya smiled, extending her hand and still somewhat star struck.

"Nice to meet you." Kevin smiled back, shaking her hand.

Her smile grew wider and she turned her attention back to me.
"I'm going to go save our seats."

I nodded as she walked away and turned back to Kevin.
"She's single." I sang, as I walked away from the court.

He chuckled and smiled.
"Noted." He said, placing his headphones back in and grabbing a basketball.

As I was walking across the arena to my seat, I noticed Kyrie walking across the court.
Should I say something?


I was warming up for the game, trying to get in the mode for this regular season matchup. LeBron told us not to stress to much but also come out to play. It'd be good to make a regular season statement before we see each other in bigger games. As I was walking back to the bench to get water, I noticed the beautiful girl from a couple days ago.
I couldn't just let her walk past without saying anything. Damn. I needed to call her name.
What was her name..?
I'll go with Paris.

"Paris!" I yelled, successfully getting her attention.

She smiled and walked over.
"Hey Kyrie. I'm surprised you remembered me."

"How could I forget?" I smiled back.

" could you forget the girl that ruined your car?" She mumbled.

"Wait, no- that's not why I remember yo-"

She giggled and smiled.
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding."

I let out a sigh of relief as her laughter was music to my ears.

"Good luck." She winked.

I smiled.
"Enjoy the game."

As I walked back to the bench I could see Kevin eyeing me.

"Who was that girl that has you smiling ear to ear?"

I shrugged with a smile and shot the ball.
"I don't know yet."

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