The movie surprise

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Sana POV

The final bell rang. I hurried out of the classroom before anyone could stop and talk to me.

"Mina!" I waved to Mina. She was talking with some people. She turned her head around like one of those hair commercials you see on TV. 

'Yeppeoda.' I thought to myself.

"Want to go get some ice cream?" Mina had asked me.

"Need you ask?" I grabbed Mina by her hand and we went to the ice cream shop.

"Congrats on getting through your first day of High school." I toasted to Mina.

"You too!" She raised her ice cream cone and clinked them together.

"Although it would have been better if there wasn't a celebrity in all my classes." Mina looked at me.

"She is in everyone of your classes?!" Mina asked.

"Even lunch..." The irony of wanting a peaceful high school life. I thought to myself.

"I thought you liked Twice?"

"Don't get me wrong. I love Twice! But not the attention. Since we are seatmates in almost every class." It's like the teachers know. 

"Well she wont be at school everyday because of schedules. So you won't have to worry about it much." Mina tried to cheer me up.

"Yeah I guess you are right!" Little did I know, everything was about to change.

It has been quiet they past couple of days. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung had schedules, since they had made a comeback.

It has been really peaceful, but we made it through our first week of school! We are going to go celebrate by going to see a movie.

"What movie should we go see?" Mina asked me. 

"How about a horror movie? I have been obsessed with them lately." I told her.

"But you always scream while watching them." Mina stated. She reenacted where I was screaming.

"Oh stop it. What's the fun if you can't scream at a scary movie?" I tried to reason with her.

"Fine. But I get to pick which one we watch." Mina smirked.

"Okay let's go!"

At the movie theatre:

"Sana-ah! They are re-showing Death Bell!" Mina said with excitement. This movie gave me nightmares. And probably also why I fear high school.

"Well since you want to see it. Then let's go see it. But you have to buy me popcorn and candy!" Mina looped her arm through mine.

We got situated in the theatre and we are now waiting for the movie to start. The last people to come in were 2 people wearing hoodies and they decided to sit beside us. Not creepy at all.

The movie started. Even though this movie was made 10 years ago, Kim Bum is still handsome. It was getting really intense. It was when the main character went to her room and saw someone sitting there. She put her hand on the persons shoulder. Then she turned around and scared everyone. I jumped and buried my head into the lap of the hooded person beside me. I apologized to them and saw the face of the hooded person.

"Tzuyu?!" I said a little to loudly. The movie theatre became silent and all eyes were on us.

'Oh no. What did I just do?' I thought to myself. The people started to whisper, saying that Twice were here. I want to find a whole and crawl in it. 

The crowd started to gather around us. I started to breath heavily. Mina noticed and tried to get me out of there, but it was too late. The crowd was already around us. 

I felt someone grab my hand and start to pull me towards the exit. We just ran as fast as we could. So no one would be following us. Probably a bad idea for me to be running.

"Stop. I can't run anymore." I told the person. We had made it out of the theatre and into an abandon alleyway. I sat down trying to calm down my breathing. But it's not working.

"Are you okay?" I looked up and saw that it was Tzuyu who had pulled me out of there. She kneeled down beside me.

"Ah, ne." I shook my head. I didn't want to tell her about myself.

"You sure? You don't really look okay." She sounded worried.

"I'm fine!" I snapped at her. I didn't mean to sound harsh but it came out that way.

"Alright." She stood up and backed away. She pulled out her phone and was calling someone.

"Where you at?" She peeked around the corner to see if anyone was following us.

"We are behind the movie theatre in the alleyway. See you in a bit." Tzuyu then hung up her phone and slid it into her pocket. I'm still having trouble breathing and can't get it under control. My chest is starting to hurt and I'm scared. I don't have my bag and my phone got lost in the chaos.

"We will take you home whenever Chaeyoung gets here." Tzuyu told me.

"That's fine.... Mina and I can... manage to get home.." My vision was starting to blurry and it's getting hard to breathe.

"Sana, you aren't okay let me help you." Tzuyu reached out her hand to help me, but I pushed her hand away.

"I don't need your help." I said coldly.

"Sana! Sana, I'm here." I looked up and saw Mina and someone with a hood running towards us.

"Tzuyu, they saw us coming. We need to leave. Like right now. Manager-nim is down to the left. Let's go!" Chaeyoung was pulling on Tzuyu towards the direction of the van. Tzuyu looked back at us before eventually running away.

"Sana here take this." Mina had handed me my medicine. I took them and started to calm down.

"How can you forget to take your medicine?" Mina scolded me.

"Mianhae. I just completely forgot about it." I sat for a few more minutes.

"Well looks like I will have a good rest tonight since I'm really tired after todays 'surprise'." That made Mina laugh.

"Come on. Let's go home and go to sleep." Mina lent me her arm and pulled me up so we can go home.

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