Same clubs

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Tzuyu POV

 Chaeyoung and I had arrived in front of Jyp high.

"Do we really have to go to school?" Chaeyoung looked up me with pleading eyes.

"Ne. We need to better ourselves for the future. Besides, we wont be able to come to school a lot due to our schedules." She seemed to cheer up a little after I said that.

"Let's also try not to draw attention to ourselves and have a normal student life. Araso?" I looked at her. She looked at me with her tiger stare. She finally slumped back down in defeat.

"I can never win staring competitions with you. Araso. I will live a quiet student life." Chaeyoung grabbed her bag and got out of the car.

We had gotten our class schedule and a map of the school. It's huge! you can totally get lost in here. And guess what? We are lost.

"I thought you knew how to read the map Chae." I teasingly said. She is fun to tease.

"Well I didn't know it was upside down okay?" Now she is all pouty about it. I just laughed at her.

"Let's ask those girls over there." I pointed to two girls at their locker. I pulled Chaeng with me. I noticed that one of the girls were having trouble putting here books in her locker. I was right behind her grabbing her books and putting it on the top of the shelf for her.

"Ah, thanks Mina." She turned around and realized that I wasn't her friend. Our eyes made contact. I have never seen such pretty eyes before. I was mesmerized. The girl was clutching her chest. Did I make her heart flutter?

"It's Twice!!!" I heard someone shouting down the hallway. The next thing I know, the hallway is flooded with students.

"Gomawoyo." Was all she said before running off. Her friend followed after her.

"What's wrong with her?" Chaeyoung asked.

" Molla." The students around us wanted us to take pictures and sign some stuff. So we did until a teacher came and broke everything up. She was nice enough to show us to our class.

We entered the classroom. It erupted with lots of chatter.

"Now, now. Settle down. You two." The teacher pointed at us.

"There are two empty seats in the back. Ms. Son, please go sit beside Ms. Minatozaki. And Ms. Chou. Go sit beside Ms. Myoui." Oh it was the girls from earlier. We both took our seats.

After an hour of that class the teacher had an announcement to make.

"Don't forget to sign up for clubs by the end of school today. If you don't we will put you in one." That got a lot of groans and ,moans from some of the students. Clubs do sound interesting. Could pick up on a new hobby. 

"Which club are you going to do?" Chaeng asked me.

"I don't know. Probably something I have never down before." I still haven't made up my mind yet.

"Well I'm going to stick to what I'm good at. Music club." She smiled.

"I knew you were going to say that." We laughed.

"Sana, which club you going to do?" I heard Mina ask Sana. I don't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation but they are right beside me talking.

"I'm thinking about joining the cooking club. You?" Sana said.

"Mmmm dance?" Mina questioned herself.

"Why is that a question? Do you want that or no?" Sana asked. Mina contemplated for a minute then answered.

"Alright. I made my decision. I will join the dance club." Mina stated.

"Tzuyu?" I didn't notice Chae had been trying to get my attention for the past couple of minutes.

"Un." I answered.

"I asked if you had made up your mind about which club you are wanting join." Chae asked again.

"Oh um. I'm going to join the cooking club." I finally made my decision. Don't know why I came to that conclusion.

"But you can't cook." Chae looked at me while I gave her a face.

"No like it's true. You even burnt water. I don't know how you even managed to do that but I don't think you should join that club." 

"I'm not changing my decision. Maybe I will be a great cook once I take the class. You never know." Chaeyoung just shook her head. I got up and went to sign up for the cooking club. I signed my name right under Sana Minatozaki. She has lovely hand writing. I smiled to myself as I traced over her name.

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