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Sana POV

"Come on Sana. Time for school." Mina threw a pillow at me.

"How rude." I shot back at her.

"Don't forget about your medicine." She reminds me everyday. How can I possibly forget?

"Ne, mother." She stared me down. 

"What?" I asked her. She circled around. Looking me up and down like I was a new specimen.

"You are different." She finally said.

"What do you mean?" I asked giving a confused look.

"You changed after what happened at the theatre. What happened?"

"I already told you. Nothing happened besides me not taking my medicine." I got up to leave.

"Are you sure? That's all?" She was persistent.

"Yes." With that I walked out the door. 

Tzuyu POV

We are in the middle of practicing our performance for music bank. I must not be there in a head. They stopped playing the music

"Are you okay Tzuyu?" Jihyo asked me. I nodded my head.

"You seem to be distracted lately. Is there anything wrong?" Chaeyoung came up and asked me. I motioned for her to come to a quiet place. When the coast was cleared, I told her everything.

"It's about Sana. I don't think she likes me very much. She is always giving me the cold shoulder. Did I do something to her?" Chaeng just stared at me.

"Well say something." Is it just me going crazy here?

"You like her don't you?" Chaeng had this teasing glare in her eyes.

"Are you serious? I only met her like twice. Besides having every class with her. And the club." I trailed off. Chaeng inched closer towards me. With the same expression on her face.

"Just admit it." She sure does love to tease me.

"Molla. Besides, you aren't even answering my question." I said.

"Well, I did talk to Mina a little bit on the night we went to the movies. She didn't get much into it. But she was frantic when she couldn't find Sana. She kept saying that she needed to find her and give her, her medicine." She explained everything that happened that night.

"Medicine? Is she sick?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know anything. I didn't ask. Maybe you should." She suggested.

"Recording will restart in 2 minutes. Everyone in your spots." The over head speaker announced.

"Let's get ready. Try to be less distracted. You can find that out later when we go to school. Okay?" Chaeng was trying to reason with me.

"You are right. Let's get this done quick and go to school." I was determined.

It was about lunch time when Chaeyoung and I arrived at school. I hope she will be here. Got a lot of questions that I'm curious about.

After lunch ended, we went back to class. There she was, just sitting there reading. I walk over and sit in my seat.

"Hey Sana, are you doing okay?" I asked her. She didn't look up from her reading. Only nodded.

"Did you and Mina get home safely?" I'm trying to start a conversation, but she keeps shooting me down.

"Sana I.." The teacher walked in at that moment cutting me off. Great timing.

Through out the rest of the day, Sana has been ignoring me. Every time I went to talk to her, she just starts to talk with other people. Heol. well at least there's still cooking club.

The students left towards their club room. I was already sitting down at a station. No one sat at the same with me. The last person to come in was Sana and I only had the last open spot for her to sit with. My how the world works.

She walked over and sat her stuff down. Not looking to thrilled.

"Okay who in here is their first time cooking?" The club president asked. Only a few us of raised our hands. Including myself.

"Alright, since your partners know how to cook, listen to them and follow their instructions. Pick out a dish you two will make. You have one hour." The president flipped an hourglass. The students started to scramble up the ingredients.

"Grab these ingredients and wash them." Sana handed me a list of ingredients. I went to the table and grabbed what we needed and washed them all. I walk back over to our station to see what I should do next.

"Here." Sana handed my a knife.

" Start cutting them up into pieces and put them in this bowl." I just nodded my head and started to cut up the vegetables.

"So why do you need to take medicine?" I asked trying to get rid of the atmosphere. Sana stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"What are you talking about? Who told you?" Sana had slight anger in her tone. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her.

"Uh I over heard Mina talking to you that night about your medicine." Tzuyu pabo. 

"You didn't hear anything that night." Sana firmly said. What is she trying to hide? I guess I was focusing to hard and I accidently cut my self.

"Ouch." I walked over to the sink to run water over it.

"Don't do that." Sana walked over towards me. She turned off the water wrapped my hand with a cloth.

"Ttaleula. (Follow me.)." She walked out of the room. So I followed after her.

She stopped in front of a door waiting for me to catch up with her.

"This is the nurse's office. She will help you with your hand." Sana began to walk away when I called out to her.

"Um Sana? There's a sign saying she won't be back  for another 20 minutes. And I can't dress this wound myself." I said innocently. She turned back around and we both went into the office together.

"Mianhae." I finally said.

"For what?" Sana didn't even look up at me. To busy putting medicine on my hand.

"For whatever I did to make you so cold towards me." This is the only thing that I can do to possibly appease her.

"You didn't do anything. If it was anyone it was me." She said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked confused.

"It's a long story." She sighed.

"I got time." I smiled at her.

"But we can wait until you are ready to talk with me. If you are ever okay with that." I said hopefully not pushing my limits.

"Well, if you are wanting to be my friend, which I'm hoping you are, then I'm going to tell you one of my secrets." I put my finger up to my lips, signifying that I will keep it a secret.

"And yes, I do want to be your friend..... Maybe more." I whispered that last part.

"Okay. So when I was younger I had a uh heart transplant. They told me to try not to over work it and to make sure I take my medicine. And on top of that I get really get claustrophobic when there are a lot of people around me." Sana said in a rush without breathing. It took me a few minutes to process everything that she had just said.

"Oh my gosh. I have made it hard on you since the first day we met!" I exclaimed . I am so stupid!

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault. You didn't know. But everything is okay." She smiled. I know she is trying to cheer me up.

"Now let's sneak out of here and meet up with Mina and Chaeyoung." Sana grabbed my hand and went to find our friends.

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