Did not see that coming

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Tzuyu POV

We were the last ones to perform live. I still get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about getting on stage.

"Chae. Where's my nerve medicine at? I'm not feeling to well." She looked threw her bag and threw me a bottle.

"Are you getting nervous cause of a certain someone?" There she goes again, teasing me. I playfully shoved her.

"Ani-yo. You know how I get when I perform live." I said as a matter of fact. But she s a little right. I'm a little nervous to be dancing in front of Sana. It's different when your dancing in front of your crush.

"Here." She handed, well threw, my medicine bottle at me.

"Thanks?" The only thing she did was laugh. I opened my bottle of water and took my medicine. It was almost time for us to go on stage. Sana and Mina haven't made it yet. I wonder what is taking them so long.

Sana POV

I have never, in my life, seen so much traffic. Cars were honking in every direction. It was bumper to bumper traffic. There was no way we were going to make it in time to see them perform.

"Is there anyway we can make it in time?" Chaeyoung asked the manger.

"Not unless you want to run there. We are about 5 minutes away but at this rate we might be here for 40 minutes." I looked out the window to see no luck of movement for awhile. Mina was pulling her phone out to see how much time we had left.

"This isn't going to work Mina. Follow me." I opened up the van door and grabbed Mina's hand and we ran our way towards KBS Entertainment.

Wah. Only one minute to spare. Mina and I were out of breath. I think I ran a little to hard. It was a little hard to catch my breathing. I didn't have much time to think about it as we were rushed into the main area. 

I pulled our candy bongs out and turned them on. They were already on stage and in their starting positions. My eyes landed on a certain someone. And I can't help but to stare at her beauty. 

'Twice.' The whole crowd was chanting along with the song. Candy bongs were flashing and moving at the same pace. All the Twice members were smiling so bright. They really enjoy being up on stage. It makes me happy seeing them do what they do. Oh, Tzuyu is looking at me. I started to blush when she had winked at me. I think I just died inside.

They finally ended their live stage and went back to there dressing rooms. The manager came and got us and took us back. We knocked on the door and entered the dressing room.

"Hey y 'all did make it!" Chaeyoung squeak as she bear hugged Mina.

"Okay you two. Calm down. Especially you Chaeng." Jihyo put her foot down.

"Ne." They both said after letting go of each other but still grinning from ear to ear. The rest of the girls just laughed.

"We thought y'all weren't going to make it because of the traffic." Momo said. Scrummaging through the snacks.

"We thought we weren't going to make it either. Not until Sana had the bright idea to run all the way here." Min gave me her look.

"It did get us here though, didn't it?" I snapped back. Tzuyu suddenly stood right in front of me and grabbed my shoulders. She looked me in the eyes.

"Ae you feeling okay?" She asked, feeling concerned.

"Umm. I'm okay. Why?" I asked not knowing why she is concerned. Her next action took me and everyone by surprise. She had put her head on my chest. Everything was silent. What made her suddenly do that? I think my cheeks are turning pink.

"Your heart. It's racing. Are you having trouble breathing or anything?" She asked. Its not my heart that's taking my breath away.

"Why did you run here? It would have been okay to miss it." Wait, is she mad at me?

"I took my medicine before I came here. I am totally fine. Why are you getting mad?" I asked her. She lifted her head.

"I don't want you risking your life because of me." She looked away.

"I'm not risking my life. I know what I can and can't do." I said a little to harshly. The other Twice members stayed quiet.

"Besides, why do you even care if I do risk my life?" I snapped. I'm slightly regretting that I said that to her.

" Because I like ..." She mumbled but I couldn't understand her.

"I can't hear you." I said. This time, she faced me.

"I like you!" She confidently said. I was in shock and so were the other members as well. Their mouth dropped to the ground.

Ba dum.  

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