Music Bank?

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Sana POV

I can not stop thinking about that night at Twice's dorm. I think I have a crush on Tzuyu. Which is weird to me because I don't like anyone like that. I'm just afraid that I will hurt the person later on because of my condition.

"What are you thinking about?" Mina was studying me. She even had her glasses on and tapping her pen that she was holding.

"Nothing Doctor Mina." I teased her. She smirked then hit me in the arm.

"Ow. That hurt you know?" She stuck her tongue out.

"It was supposed to." I made a pouty face.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." We both said at the same time. Mina's parents walked into the room.

"What are you two girls doing this late?" Mina's dad asked.

"And on a school night." Mina's mom added.

"Just girl talk. We will go to bed in a little bit." Mina reassured her parents.

"Alright then." Mina's parents came and gave us a kiss on the forehead before leaving us.

"Oh, Sana don't forget about your check up on Friday. Got it?" Mina's dad said. I nodded my head.

"I won't forget. Plus Mina always reminds me. So don't worry." I gave him a smile before he closed the door.

Mina turned off the light so we could go to sleep. But I couldn't fall asleep so easily. I was to excited to see her tomorrow. I think I started to blush a little. It got hot really fast. Okay, let's get some sleep. Don't want to look tired tomorrow.

As always, there are a flock of students waiting at the gate for Tzuyu and Chaeyoung. A van just pulled up. The door opened to reveal the two girls. The crowd of students formed a ring around them. Asking if they could take pictures and get their autographs. Mina and I just stood and observed.

"Sana!" I saw Tzuyu waving at me. I smiled at her. She walked over and grabbed my hand.

"Come on. Let's get to class." She smiled and led us into the school building. But that didn't stop me from seeing the fangirls glare at me.

It was already lunch time. The gang, Mina, Chae, Tzuyu and me, have a secret place we go to, to eat. 

Mina had arrived a little early and spread out the blanket. I took out my medicine. Mina handed me a bottle of water to help me take the medicine.

"Thank you." I held to the bottle up like I was toasting to her.  She laughed.

"Penguin!" I can see Chae running towards us. But who is she calling penguin?

"Tiger!" Oh ho ho. They already have nick names? I crossed my arms and watched their interactions. There is something going on between them. Everything got quiet. They both turned and looked at me.

"Wae? Something wrong?" Mina asked me. I just kept on staring at them. Then I pointed my finger between them.

"Is there something going on here?" I asked trying to get some reactions from either of them. They both looked at each other then back at me.

"Aniyo. You've got this all wrong." They aren't looking in my eyes when they are telling me. Both are fanning themselves and they are stuttering. Ha got them!

"Whatever you two say." I rolled my eyes in the opposite side and saw Tzuyu walking towards us. Omo. I can hear my heart thumping in my ears. The way she is walking is like in slow motion and the hair is blowing ever so softly making it look like she is walking down a runway.

"And she thinks something is going on between us." Chae nudged Mina.

"Because there is something going on between us." Mina whispered. But I could still hear her.

"What did I miss?" Tzuyu asked, sitting down beside me. I was to busy staring at her to answer her question.

"Oh, nothing really." Chae said. Fiddling with her utensils.

"Mhmm doesn't seem like nothing." Tzuyu raised her eyebrows in suspicions. She then turned to look at me. I froze and turned red in the face. I know I was totally being obvious about it, but I mean who wouldn't be fazed if Tzuyu is staring so mesmerizing at you.

 She stifled a giggle at my reaction. I turned away in embarrassment.

"Oh you guys should come watch the performance at Music Bank Friday." Tzuyu told us. Watch Twice live?!? Omo. Mina and I looked at each other. Obliviously fangirling about the idea.

"I will take that as a yes." Tzuyu and Chae laughed.

"How do we get in though?" Mina asked. Which is a good question.

"We can bring a few friends backstage. So getting you in is not a problem." Chae said taking a bite out of an apple. Wow the power of Twice.

"Oh Sana, remember you have to go get a check up on Friday." Mina reminded me. Oh no. TT I completely forgot about that.

"Don't worry, you can come after you get done. We will be the last ones to go on." Tzuyu reassured us. That made my day better. So I smiled like a big idiot.

"Gwiyeowo." Tzuyu said, but covering her mouth with her hand. I think she didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Oh we won't be able to come to school the next few days. We will be in the practice room, practicing our hearts out." Chae said and Tzuyu put her fist in the air.

"Fighting." Tzuyu said.

"Just be sure not to over work yourselves. And be sure to eat." I told them. I couldn't imagine what the extent you would have to take to become an idol. They must have had a hard time in the beginning. 

"Ne, Omma." Tzuyu chuckled out. I hit her arm from her joke. As we were laughing, the bell wrong for the end of lunch time. We packed up all of our stuff and headed towards class.

I looked behind us, feeling unsettled. Like the feeling you get when you think someone is watching you. I could have sworn I saw a limb move ever so slightly.

"Come on Sana." The girls called out to me. It was probably a squirrel or another small animal. I shrugged it off and joined the others.

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