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Go Eun Jung POV

Friday afternoon. Me and my best friend Hyunjin are eating our lunch. I took a glance at him and sigh.

When will you noticed that i have feelings for you?

I'm so stupid! he's my Best Friend!

But is it wrong tho?

" Earth to Go Eun Jung. Earth to Go Eun Jung! " i came back to reality.

" H-Huh? " i looked at Hyunjin who is smiling at me.

" W-What?! why are you smiling?! " i throw him a tissue but the tissue land on my soup instead.

" Shit " i cursed removing the tissue away from my precious soup.

" What are you thinking lately? your face are so red! " he laughed and i smiled awkwardly at him.

" I-I was- Umm- you knoww " i buried my face with my palm.

This is so embarassing!

" Is it a boy? Tell me Eun Junggggg " he whined kicking the table like a 3 year old.

" Pffssh Whattt a boy? Nawww " i said flapping my hands.

" Pffssh. Yah! i know you since we were like wearing diapers. Do you think i don't know why your face is red! " he chuckled and i sigh.

" Fine. I was day dreaming about this boy and his name is... " i was confused to what excuses should i make.

" BamBam Oppa? Yeah! BamBam Oppa! he is so handsome! " i said squacking.

" Hahaha. Aish this lost fangirl! " he pinched and squized my cheeks.

I salpped his hands away.

" Yah! that hurts! " i said while rubbing my cheeks.

" Do you want me to kiss them? " he said smirking.


" WHat?! No! " i said while i can feel my face burning.

" Hahahah! Your face is so red! i think your face is always red when you're around boys! even me! " he said teasing me poking my shoulder.

" Hahahah yeahh " i looked at him again.

" Stop that Hyunjin " i said with a soft voice.

" Okay " he said and continued eating.

Seriously Hyunjin. When will you...


A/N : HAPPYYYYY JONGHYUNN DAYYYY!!!! I badly miss him and i know shawols too! But let's sing happy birthday to him! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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