Chapter Three

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"We can't just leave her here."
"Well, what else should we do?"
"I don't know.....Ace, what should we do?"
"We'll wait here until she wakes up, make sure she gets out of here without anything hurting her, and we watch over her."
"We're demons, we don't watch over people, we hunt them. We do the evil deeds-"
"Shut it, Jack. She's different. She isn't like the others who've come into this house."
"How do you know, Damien? She could rat us out and tell everyone about this place. I think we should-"
"No one cares about what your think, Jack. It's Ace's decision."
I groaned and squeezed my eyes tightly. "Hey, look, she's waking up," someone spoke beside me. I opened my eyes and saw three men standing over me. My eyes widened as I sat up quickly and scooted myself away from them. My heart began to race, what do they want with me? Did I go into someone's territory? Am I going to be held here for the rest of my life? Do they want to kill me? "Hey, kid, are you okay?" A man with crimson red hair asked. He walked closer to me and I moved faster away from him. A man with bright blond hair pushed past and grabbed me by my arm. He picked me up and pushed me into a wall. "She'll be easy to take down. Let me do it," He pulled out a black bladed knife and pressed it against the soft pale skin on my neck. I shut my eyes tightly and felt fear wash over me. "Jack, that's enough. She's already in enough fear. We don't need her to be scared of us," A deep, low growl echoed through the room. The blond haired man pulled the knife away from my skin and he let me go. I fell to the floor and watched as he walked away from me. The man with light brown, messy hair walked up to me and I moved away from him like a frightened bunny. "It's okay, I don't want to hurt you," He spoke softly. His voice was raspy, but soft and gentle. I relaxed a little bit and looked into his brown-red eyes. They weren't normal. Something made them seem inhuman. 

"My name is Damien. What is your name?" He asked.

"Juniper," I mumbled back.

"That's a wonderful name. It's unique and different," He smiled. I actually felt safe around him. I'm terrified of the other ones. 

"What do you want with me?" I asked fearfully.

"Nothing, yet. We'll have to see how useful you actually are," The man with blond hair smirked.

"Jack, don't be so mean," Damien growled at him then looked back at me, "Don't mind Jack, he's an asshole." I nodded my head, unsure of the whole situation. "The guy with the red hair is Hunter, the guy with blond hair is Jack, and the guy with black hair is Ace," He pointed to each person as he described them to me. I didn't see Ace before. He had a black, studded leather jacket on, black torn jeans and black steel toe boots. He had the tough, unbreakable feel.
"What are you doing in this house?" Ace questioned as he approached quickly.
"I like to investigate the paranormal. This place caught my eye, so I thought I'd come and check it out," I replied.
"So, you like creepy things?" Hunter spoke as he moved a little closer.
I nodded my head in return and stood up, "Yea, I do. Gore, demons, horror, thrillers, ya'know, things normal people don't like," They all looked at me amazed and I stared confused.
"We don't see many people that aren't afraid of us," Damien commented.
"What is there to be afraid of?"
"You have no idea."
"I bet I can make her afraid, just give me a few minutes with her," Jack got in front of me in lightning speed which caught me off guard. He backed me into the wall behind me and pushed his body against mine. I could feel his fiery breath against my neck as I closed my eyes and moved my head away from him. "Jack, just leave her alone," Damien said annoyed.
"Come on, it's fun to induce fear," Jack pulled out his knife. I felt the shape tip of his blade glide up my stomach slowly. Once the blade reached just above my heart, he pushed super slowly. "Jack, stand down. I already told you what we're going to do," Ace said. Jack growled and walked away from me frustrated. Damien looked at me concerned. "He'll come around eventually. He's not used to people yet."
"What are you?" I asked. Damien looked uncomfortable to the question.  
"Well, I-I'm a...a-"
"Damien, I think it's just about time we get her out of here. Step outside and let her call someone to pick her up," Ace demanded. Damien nodded and walked me outside.
I looked around and saw it was completely dark outside. I grabbed my phone and checked the time; 11:23pm.  How long was I out for? I went into my contacts and pressed on the picture of my mom. I hit speed dial and put the phone up to my ear.
"Oh my God. Juniper! I thought something bad happened to you!"
"Mom, need to pick me up. I want to go home."
"Okay sweetheart, I'm on my way. Don't go anywhere." She hung up the phone and I put mine back in my pocket. She sounded like she was crying. I've only been gone for the day,  why was she so upset?
"Damien?" I turned to face him.
"How long was I out for?"
"In your time, three days," My eyes widened. Three days! That's impossible. Wait, why did he say 'in your time'?
"What do you mean in your time?" I feel so confused. I have no idea what is going on.

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