Chapter Two

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We reached a red light and my mom looked at me. "Where is that place you want to go to?"
I looked at her confused, "What?"
"You're next abandoned location you're going to investigate, where is it?"
"It's on the outskirts of town off-road. Why do you want to know this?"
She ignored my question, "What do you need from home?"
"My camera, my notebook, and a couple other things," I kept my puzzled look as she began to pull forward. She didn't talk to me the rest of the way. What was she planning? Did she want to join me? Was it what aunt Carmen said? Does she want to get rid of me? "Mom, what are you doing? Do you want to join me on this one?" I asked.
She sighed and didn't take her eyes of the road, "I know I haven't been very supportive lately and Carmen only made it clearer. I want to support you on your investigations, so I will be taking you to the different places and I will help purchase the items you need." I can't believe what I'm hearing. Is she really going to let me do the investigations, or is she testing me? "Are you serious, mom? You do know the dangers of what I do, right? I didn't even think you believed in this kinda thing," I told her honestly.
"I don't know the full extent of how dangerous it can be, but I trust you to make the right decisions on your own. You are a strong woman, you can make your own choices."
We pulled up the driveway and parked the car. "Go grab your things and let's get going," My mom smiled and I smiled back. I quickly hugged her tightly and ran into the house. I ran down the stairs, nearly tripping on my feet. I shoved my bedroom door open and I paused for a second. I grabbed my camera, tripod, notebook, asbestos mask, and flashlight them ran back out of my room. I booked it up the stairs and out the front door. I hopped into the car and I gave me mom the directions.
We slowly drove down the long dirt road and eventually made it to the house. "When do you want me to pick you up?" My mom asked as she stopped the car.
"The investigation can take a while. I'll just call you when I'm ready," I replied and got out of the car. I grabbed all my equipment and smiled at her.
"Okay hun, stay safe," She smiled and I closed the passenger side door. I waved her good-bye. I watched as the car drove off. I turned to face the house and I had a chilling feeling run down my spine. This place was even more ominous than I thought. I put on my mask and began to head inside. The front door creaked open and I clicked my flash light. I noticed no light came through it after I hit the button. I smacked the flashlight and kept clicking the button. Great, I brought a dead flashlight. I sighed aloud and put the flashlight into my pocket. I searched my pockets for my camera and couldn't find it. God dammit, I left my camera and small tripod in the car! Now I'm just here for nothing. Should I just call my mom and try some other time? Something inside me told me to just keep going. I walked around the house from room to room. It was actually a beautiful house, despite it being run down. The wall paper had peeled and there we're holes in the floor. I walked down the hallway and walked into a few bedrooms. One particular room caught my attention. It looked almost new. The bed was perfectly made, the glass on the mirror was perfectly clean and everything looked untouched. I continued into the room and saw a little doll sitting on the bed. She was propped up against the pillow and was staring behind me. I turned around and saw a small, white door on the bottom of the wall. I slowly walked over to the door and twisted the cold, silver knob. As I pulled the door open, a force pushed me back and I hit the ground. My heart began to race as I looked back at the door. I picked myself up and ran out of the room. I raced down the hall and looked behind me for a moment and hit what felt like a brick wall.  My body rushed back and hit the ground at a high impact. I looked up and saw a black figure before I blacked out.

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