Chapter Five

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I laid back in my bed in my room at home. It was way more comfortable than the hospital room.

"Do you need anything, Juniper?" My mom asked sweetly.

"No, I don't think so."

"Okay, let me know if you need me to get you anything. I want you to stay in that bed unless you have to use the washroom," She smiled and closed the door gently behind her. I looked up at my ceiling and let out a deep, long yawn before shutting my eyes and letting myself drift off to sleep.
A gentle tapping sound beckoned me from my window. I opened my tired eyes and looked at the window. A little pebble hit the glass. I guess that is the source of the sound. I turned on my lamp and checked the time; 2:23am. I guess I was really tired. 

I crawled away from my nice warm bed and sauntered to the window. I looked down and saw a familiar face. I looked away and thought for a moment. D-Damien? Could that really be, that's impossible! I looked back out the window at him and he waved at me. I unlocked and opened my window quietly. I poked my head out and looked down at him. "What are you doing here? It's late and my mom is asleep," I quietly yelled at him.

"I came to check up on you. I want to make sure you're okay. I would have come in, but I thought I should be invited it. Can I come in?" He looked at me with a subtle smile. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Fine, but stay quiet. My mom is probably in bed sleeping," I told him. I stepped back from the window and I heard him start to climb up. I thought to myself: wait, there is nothing for him to climb. What is he climbing? I looked back out the window and saw him climbing the smooth, white wall as if he was a spider. I slowly stepped back as he reached the windowsill and climbed into my room. "H-how did you-" Damien's finger crashed into my lips, silencing me.

"No need to question everything," a smile crept across his face, "Some things are better left unknown," He pulled his finger off my lips and looked around my room. I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge of the mattress. 

"You've got a nice room," He commented while opening my closet door.

"Lose something in there?" I chuckled as I walked over to him. 

"Nope, just checking things out," he smiled at me. 

"You know, for a demon, you're pretty smiley. I thought demons we're all about possessing people, destroying lives and families because it's fun to watch," His smile faded slowly and he looked down. His hand gripped the knob on my closet door tighter. Anger swept across his face as his eyes changed to that vibrant orange colour. I backed up a few steps and he looked in my direction. "I-I never really believed those things," I sputtered in fear. I have no idea what Damien can do. I don't know his abilities. He closed the closet door and let go of the handle. He approached me, his whole body tense. I kept backing up until I hit a wall. He persisted on getting closer to me. His body was inches away from mine. "Damien...." I whispered and put my hands on his chest to prevent him from getting closer. His body immediately relaxed and his eyes went back to their normal colour. He started to breathe as if he just ran a marathon. He looked down at my hands on his chest then back at me. "I-I'm so sorry," He said in a serious manner. He gently grabbed my hands with his and kept holding them. Fear and comfort confused my mind. What do I do? He moved both our hands down and I felt a gentle pull. I got closer and closer to him. His hands let go of mine and they wrapped around my waist. His body was pressed against mine and I felt his hot breath on my neck. I looked up at him and his eyes were soft, but protective.

Out of nowhere, he suddenly let me go and backed up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

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