Chapter Four

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"Well, you see," he paused and sighed, "Ace is going to kill me. We're demons. We attached ourselves to this house so we could stay in the mortal realm. That small door you opened unleashed a whole bunch of evil nasties into this world. So now we have to hunt them all down and return them to the portal," I'm so lost and confused.
"You're telling me you're an actual demon? You don't look like one."
"That's because we can look like people to blend in," He looked down then back up at me, "Do you want proof?" I nodded my head. He shut his eyes tightly and reopened them to reveal glowing orange eyes. They looked like they we're glass orbs holding back a raging fire. They we're hypnotizing. He quickly looked away and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me again. His eyes sent back to the brown-red I saw before. I have no words.
Bright headlights came out of nowhere as a car came to a screeching halt. A car door opened and a person ran out of the car. "Juniper!" I heard my mom yell.
"Mom!" I yelled back. I run up to her and hugged her tightly. I didn't want to let go of her. She pulled back and looked at me. "What happened to you? You we're gone for three days! The police even came here and you had completely vanished. I thought I lost you," She pulled me back into a hug and I could hear her quietly sob. I can't believe I vanished for three days. My mom let go of me and she wiped away a tear on her cheek. "Let's go home," She forced a smile. I nodded my head and I got into the car. We pulled away from the house. I watched it fade in the side mirror. I felt myself sink into the seat and I shut my eyes. So much happened, I don't know how well I'm going to process this.

I heard a soft beeping sound echo around me. "Juniper....Juniper...." I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright lights. "Welcome back, Juniper, I'm Dr. Anderson. How are you feeling?" A soft, feminine voice said. I looked to my left and I saw a woman in all white holding a clipboard smiling at me. "I feel okay," I replied.
"Can you remember anything out of the past few days starting from when you entered the house?"
I nodded my head, "I was walking around through the house. I entered a room with a small door. I went and opened the door and something pushed me back, so I got up and ran. I was running down a hall when I ran into something and hit the floor. That's all I remember until I woke up there," I explained.
"What do you remember after you woke up?" Do I tell her about Ace, Damien, Jack, and Hunter? That could be bad if I do.
"I got up and called my mom. I waited outside for her to pick me up," I lied. I don't want to put anything at risk.
"Okay, give me a few moments and let me speak with your mother," The doctor smiled and walked through the curtains.
I can't get Damien's eyes out of my head. Those vibrant, glowing orange eyes have imprinted themselves into my brain.

My thoughts we're interrupted by the curtains being moved to reveal the doctor. "It seems I can let you go. Everything is good and normal, but I want you to be careful," She smiled at me. I nodded my head and let out a long sigh. Were those boys just a dream? Did I just run into a wall? Yea, that's probably it. I hit a wall and knocked myself out and dreamt those boys. That's all it is.

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