Back home we go

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The next morning I wake up and see a new dress for me on the end of the bed I stand up an put it on

The next morning I wake up and see a new dress for me on the end of the bed I stand up an put it on

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It's simple and white but beautiful!

Princess your up how do you feel?

Fine thank you.

Good we we'll be returning today! Oh and don't forget sense you did slap me and run away there will be a punishment waiting you when we get back! But don't run away I will chase you down again!

A punishment I feel my cheeks heat up and I feel my head go light I start to fall! I feel strong arms grab me and pull me up

Seems like you still haven't fully recovered! Are you alright?

I t-h-ink so. Thank you for catching me!

My pleasure. Meg?

Hmm what?

Do you really dislike me as much as you act like it?


Because if you do I will call of the arranged marriage and let you be free!

You would do that for me?

Yes I don't want to force you to marry me! just because I have power doesn't mean I'll use it to get what I want.

When I hear him say that he will let me go I feel something inside me jump and without thinking I look him in the eyes and... kiss him... the kiss is soft, slow and gently but I feel his love for me through that kiss. I never want it to end!

We both pull back at the same time and gasp a little for air! I look at her eyes and I feel myself fall for her even more! She looks slightly shocked at what she did! But yet she looks like she had wanted to for awhile.
She kissed me!

So does that mean you don't want the engagement to be ended?

I-I d-o-n-t kn-o-w!

Young love always so sweet!

What? How long have you been watching us?
I feel my face heat up when I see that the old man was watching us kiss!

I came to tell you two that breakfast was ready!

Thank you we'll will be right out!

What did I do I kissed Izana and that old man seen it what will happen now?

You didn't answer me Meg?
Megan please speak to me!

He just use my full name no one does that what do I say!

I-I don-t re-al-y know what t-o s-a-y

Well then think about let's go eat!

Small time skip

I thank you so much for your generosity but we must be going! I left my younger brother in charge of the castle!

Well any time you want to stop in and see me please come right ahead!

Thank you we will!

Izana helps me onto the horse right behind him. I gently rest my head on his back and I can't help but think how Warm His back is. and we start to ride away! I feel as though I should say something but I don't know what to say!

So Meg tell me why did you kiss me?

Hun such a direct question how do I answer?

I don't know

Do you still wish me to pull our engagement?

He said that with such sorrow in his voice!


No are you sure?

Yes I would like to get to know you better! If that's ok?

I would like that to! ....

To be continued...

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now