Will I know?

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{I open my eyes and see the sun shining in my face. I look up and remember that today is the last day before the wedding, this is the last day for Megan to remember who she is. I get up and go to breakfast.}

I wake up and get ready for the day. I look at myself in the mirror and I wish I knew who I was. I look at the box sitting on my dressing table, I wonder what was in it that my past self would put a ribbon like that on? I stand up and walk towards the door. I go to breakfast.

"Good morning Megan."

"Morning Your Highness."

{Well, that is a name I wish she would stop using. I look at her as she smiles, her face is empty with no emotion.}

Small time Skip...

"Megan do you want me to walk you to your room?"

"That would be nice,"

{We walk to her room and I watch as she walks beside me. We reach her door and I open it for her. She walks in and stops.}

"Do you want to come in?"


{ I enter her room and she walks over to her dressing table. She picks up the small box,}

"What is that?"

"I don't know, its something that I had before I lost my memory."

{I walk towards her and look at the box,}

"its labelled Izana.It belongs to you,"

{I take the box and look at it. I pull the lid off and pull out the contents of the box. Inside is a beautiful watch.}

"It's beautiful. Did you need a new watch?"

"Yes, my old one stopped working a few months ago."

"AHAHA," {I watch as Megan falls to the ground. I step forward and reach out to hold her.}


"Megan, what's wrong?"

I lay on the floor as Izana hovers over me. I close my eyes as I look up. I close my eyes as images flash through my mind. I open my eyes and see Izana sitting there with worry on his face.

"Megan are you alright?"

"I think so?" { I help her up and she looks at me with a new look in her eyes.}

"Megan, what happened?"

"Izana," As I look at Izana tears start flooding into my eyes.



I throw my arms around him and I hug him,

"Megan? Do you remember?"

"Yes, I do." {I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to my body.}

I hold on tighter to Izana's neck.

"Megan, I'm so glad your back."

"Izana, I'm sorry for all the trouble."

"I'm just happy you're safe." {I hold her close to my body as she rests her head on my neck.}

I pull away from Izana as I look at Izana. He looks at me and leans down towards me. I stand up onto my tiptoes and our lips meet. Izana pulls me closer to his body as we kiss. When we pull back for air I look at him as he looks at me.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

Tomorrow we are to be married. Are you ready?"

"I'm more than ready to be married to the man I love."

"Good, The wedding will be tomorrow as planned. It's strange that a simple watch would bring your memory back. Why did you have a watch with my name on it?"

"Well, it was meant to be your Christmas present. But when I lost my memory I guess there was no way to give it to you."

"Well, I'm happy I got it now, Thank you." {I reach out and pull Megan back into a hug, I rest my chin on the top of her head.}

I feel Izana's chin on my head as I sigh. This is what I have needed,

"Izana, Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being here for me, even though I didn't remember who you were you still made sure I was alright."

"Well I know you would do the same for me. Plus I would do it over and over again if it means that I will be near the one I love."

{I take Megan's hand and pull her over to her bed. I lay down and bring her with me.}

"Izana what are you doing?"

"I have missed our hugs,"

"I see so you just want to cuddle?"

"That is exactly what I want."

I curl up into Izana's chest as he wraps his arms around me. I feel him let out a sigh as the stress of the last few days disappear.

"I love you, my king,"

"And I love you, my Princess."

a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now