The Guests

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It's been two days. Haruto has been spending a lot of time with me. I have gotten to know her quite well. Right now Izana and I are sitting on his bed as we wait till I have to go get ready for supper.


"Yes, my love?"

"When will you tell me what your plan is for tomorrow?"

"That is for me to know and you will not find out."

"Jerk, I thought we tell each other everything."

"We do unless it is a Christmas present."

"You enjoy this too much."

"Yes, I do."

I sit up and look down at Izana, His blonde hair is laying on the bed. it has gotten so long. I reach out and run my fingers through his hair.

"You need a haircut."

"Do I? What if I like it long."

"Too bad, you look like a shaggy dog."

"Well, that was rude. You should be nice."

"Its the truth, It needs to be cut before your coronation."

"As you wish, I will get it cut."

"Good." I lower myself so I'm half laying on top of Izana. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to his body. We lay there in quiet for a few more minutes. I slowly start to drift off to sleep. As I close my eyes There is a knock on the door.

{I watch as she slowly drifts off to sleep. But there is a knock on the door, She jumps a little at the sound. I gently pull her up so we are both sitting. She looks at me with tired eyes,}

"Sorry my love," { I whisper in her ear.}

"Come in,"

the door opens as Izana's mother walks in.

"Oh good, I thought The door might never open. Oh, Megan, I didn't know you were here."

"I'm sorry Your Highness," Izana reaches out to tell me to stop

"Mother, I had a few minutes after work and I ask  Megan if I could spend it with her."

"I see, I did have a question but it can wait till some other time."

"Oh no, I should go get ready for supper. Please excuse me."

I get up off the bed and Izana lets go of my hand. I look back at Izana and smile down at him.

"I'll see you in a while."

"Alright."  With that, I walk out and leave mother and son to speak.

"So Mother what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh, yes that. So I wanted to talk to you about Megan."

"What about Megan?"

"Wel I was wondering about her, She seems like a good girl. But I don't know her very well I want you to tell me about her."

"Well, you need to tell me what you want to know about her?"

"I want to know about her. I wasn't here when you met tell me what happened when you met. because from what I have heard it was quite funny."

{As my mother and I start to talk I start to lose all track of time. I tell her almost every story that I can remember.}

I lay down on my bed for a few minutes. after about half an hour I am awakened by the sound of someone knocking on the door. I get up and walk over to the door. I open it and see Shurayuki standing there.

"Hello, is there something I can do for you?"

"Well, Zen asked me to come and get you for supper."

"Oh, is it that time already?"

"Yes, Zen went to get his brother and his mother."

"I see, very well."

We walk down the halls making small talk.  We reach the dining hall and Izana, Zen and Haruto coming down the halls. Izana walks up to me and grabs my hand. we enter the dining hall and sit down for supper. Izana holds my hand under the table as we eat. After supper, Izana walks me to my room and we say good night.

"Well my princess, I bid you goodnight."

"Goodnight my prince ."

"Tomorow is Christmas Eve. Are you excited?"

"Yes, I am."

"Well, you need to get some sleep."


I enter my room and change into my nightgown. after that, I curl up on my bed.

{I wake up early to meet the guest who are to arrive, I get ready and go to get Zen. as princes, we need to welcome the people to this kingdom. I wake up Zen and we go to meet our guests. After I let Zen take the guests to breakfast, I go to wake up Megan. I enter her room and see her fast asleep on her bed. I walk over to her and gently put my hand on her shoulder. She rolls away from me and pulls her blanket over her head.}

"Come on wake up my princes, it's time to wake up."

I open my eyes and see Izanas blonde hair curled around his face as he looks at me. I gently reach up and grab a strain of his hair. I pull on it and smile.

"Come on princes it's Christmas Eve. We have a long day planned so get up."

"I don't wanna, leave me along."

"No, I will not."


I slowly sit up and see Izana sitting there, He grabs my hand and laughs.

"You're cute when you just wake up."

"Shut up and get out so I can get dressed."

"Oh, you will have maids helping you today."

"I what! I thought we said no maids."

"You did, but don't worry its only for today."

"Fine now get."

Izana leaves and the maids come in. they start to do my hair and pick out a dress. They put makeup on my face and pull my hair into a half bun. After about half an hour they leave and I look in the mirror. The girl I see looking back is not me I take some of the makeup off and pull out a few strands of hair to make it look messy. I then walk out and down the halls to the dining hall. The guards open the door and I enter in. I look around at the faces that I have longed to see. They come running towards me and embrace me in a hug. I look up at Izana as he smiles.


a lonely prince and a free Princess! Izana x readerWhere stories live. Discover now