Chapter 13 : They Needed This

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 13th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I know I haven't updated in a while but things have been really hectic for me lately. Anyway, let's get into this very long awaited chapter, shall we?*

(Italy's POV)

"Japan!?" I yelled with excitement but soon felt my heart drop. Inside the room there was no Japan, though there was someone who I wasn't expecting to see. In the corner of the room sat Lithuania quietly, seeming lost in thought.

"Lithuania?" I questioned softly as to not startle him, "what are you doing here?" It seems my attempts had been in vain though as not soon after Lithuania bolted to his feet swinging his head around so fast I thought his neck would break. "Oh, Italy I'm sorry! I didn't mean to intrude!" Lithuania said trying not to stumble over his words as he tried to explain himself quickly.

I quickly shook my head at him, "it's okay, it's okay." I assured before I turned around and started to pull at my hair in frustration. "He should have been here!" I yelled out in panic. Suddenly I felt a hand in my shoulder and instantly turned around to see Lithuania. He gave me a sad smile before he grabbed my hand and led me to one of the medical cots.

(Lithuania's POV)

As I stood there watching Italy panic all my worries and troubles seemed so insignificant. Italy was never one to panic in a stressful situation. If I didn't know any better I would have said something was wrong with him. Luckily I did know better. I knew Italy wasn't as arrogant as he portrayed himself to be.

Looking back at it he always gave Germany stupid suggestions that led Germany to the right solution. To anyone it would just seem Germany was really smart or they had good chemistry. But it was neither of those. Italy just really cared for others. If that meant acting like an idiot, then that's what it took. I always silently admired him for this.

Before he began to rip the hairs from his head I went over and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. At this I saw saw him startle as he turned his eyes to meet mine. Once seeing the intense worry in his eyes I did something I had never done in a while. I smiled. It wasn't a big happy joyful one that was so big it split your face. It was a small one that was awkward after years of disuse. Though it seemed that was all Italy needed to calm down a bit.

I silently took his hand in mine and led him to one of the medical cots. If anything was gonna happen he needed to relax. After we both sat down we stared at one another for a bit before I decided to speak. "Italy-" just I said that the doorknob turned and the door slowly pushed open.

(America's POV)

When the song had finished I silently held the smaller island nation in my arms, running a soothing hand through his hair and over his back. His breathing wasn't completely even but it was at a good enough point to not be worried.

"Japan? Are you feeling any better?" I questioned after a long moment of nothing but silence. I felt him tense up at the sound of my voice and let out a sigh. Though I didn't mean for it to come out saddened, it did. "America, why did you come?" He asked still tense.

(Japan's POV)

"America, why did you come?" I asked after a moment of silence. It was still awkward to talk to him like this. I hope he was aware of this as well. I missed the way we used to talk but I don't know if we can ever go back to that.

"Whether you think so or not I care about you, Japan." he responded. "Nothing could change how I feel about you." It sounded almost... sad. Before I could ask him what he meant he stood up and offered me a hand. "We better head back, Italy must be pulling out his hair by now."

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