Chapter 8 : When Did They Get All Buddy-Buddy

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 8th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I'm going to cut to the chase as you should know the deal by now. So, let's get into this, shall we?*

(Romano' POV)

After the break was called everyone started to enter the dining room. Upon entering I saw my brother wasn't there yet. Thinking nothing of it I just walked over to my seat from this morning. He probably just went to the bathroom anyway. After a few minutes of waiting I started to get worried again. "Where is that idiot?"

(America's POV)

After the break was called me and Italy stayed behind in the meeting room. We talked a bit about my kids, and about many odd topics that just seemed to pop up. Talking just like normal people. Not countries, not depression therapists, just Alfred and Feliciano. We are using human names to identify each other now to relieve the stress of it. That was all we needed. We didn't want to be told everything would be fine. We didn't want to be babied. We wanted to be treated like everyone else.

"Feli aren't you going to go eat with the others?" I asked looking toward my new friend. "Nope!" He answered. "What!? Feli what do you mean?" He gave a small chuckle before he answered. "I'm not going to eat until you do." He said giving a friendly smile. "No, that would basically be suicide!" I said standing in front of him.

"Alfred." He said using my human name. I felt myself go rigid. "I won't force you to eat." He said standing up and putting his palm to my face. "But I won't eat unless you do either." He said. Tears welled up in my eyes. He couldn't do this to himself. I can't drag down another person! Tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"I'll eat, but you have to promise me you won't fall down the hole I did. I can't drag another person down." I pleaded a sob coming out of my throat. "I promise Alfred."

(Romano's POV)

It took about 20 minutes before Italy showed up followed by America. "There you two idiots are!" I shouted slapping the back the both of their heads. "If you had taken any longer you guys would have missed the opportunity to eat anything." I said before leading Italy back to our old seats.

I guess America had followed my brother because when we sat down America was next to him. "Hey Romano can you come here for a second!" I heard Spain shout from across the room. "Just hurry up and eat before the break ends," I said before turning and yelling, "I'm coming, idiot!"

(Spain's POV)

I had been talking with Canada for a few good minutes before he pointed out Romano standing by America and Italy. "Hey Romano come here a second!" I yelled from across the room. Romano said his goodbyes to the two of them, before turning and walking to me and Canada. "What do you want jerk?" He asked crossing his arms. "What? Can't I just spend some quality time with my old charge?" I asked.

When Romano started to sputter I glanced over his shoulder and looked toward America and Italy. "Those two seem to be getting along nicely." I said causing Romano to quiet down and turn toward the two. "They sure do." I heard Canada speak up beside me. "When did they get so buddy-buddy." Romano murmured.

"Okay everyone break is over!" Germany shouted standing up. "Well we should get going shouldn't w-" I started to say but dropped short. Noticing my sudden surprise the other two nation looked toward where I was looking, and went still. There stood America being led by Italy while holding his hand. "You-!"

(Germany's POV)

"You-!" I heard Romano shout as I left the room. Wanting to stay far away from whoever Romano was about to blow up at I continued to the meeting room. When I entered the room it first felt significantly cold before it was normal room temperature. Shrugging it of as a fluke I continued to my seat and waited for the others.

I took about a total of 10 minutes to get everyone in their seat and another 5 minutes to calm them all back down, with the help of an angry Switzerland.
"Who has yet to read?" I asked holding up the book. A few hands shot up before I randomly chose from them. "Greece while your up why don't you read?" I asked handing him the book.

Without much of a reply he got up and stood at the front of the table, before he began to read. 'He's afraid of live chickens. Not baby chicks... just chickens. So he's constantly replacing Gilbert's pet before it grows up.'

I inwardly cringed and just decided to bury my face in my arms. "What!? Germany is this true!?" He yelled, now behind me. "Ugh... yes." I murmured. "Why Germany!? Why would you get rid of my awesome friend!? Repeatedly!" He yelled. "This is why I wished you'd never find out."

Thankfully Greece didn't want to be delayed from sleeping longer than necessary, and began to read again.

'If America gets to out of hand at World Meetings, Spain starts singing songs from Dora the Explorer. America stops what he's doing immediately.'

"He really does seem to hate that show." Said Spaniard said giving a playful smile. "It is literal cancer..." America groaned. Seems I'm not the only one who got an unwanted entry.
Again Greece began to read again.

'Romano's a baby whisperer. No matter what's wrong with a baby (tired/ hungry/ wet/ what not), he knows exactly what to do to make them happy. He loses the ability once the kid gets old enough to talk.'

"You never told me you could do that!" Italy started to whine. "Well, I didn't think it was necessary." He yelled back before turning away. "Did I do something wrong!?" Italy asked suddenly panicked. "You idiot of course you didn't." As the conversation continued the other countries began there own as well. Soon seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours.

Wondering what was taking so long for Greece to continue I turned to look at him. "Of course." I said exasperated. There lay the nation with his head down, already passed out. "Okay everyone, since it seems our reader for today has fallen asleep you may all go eat and retire for the night." I said. Cleaning the room up, I was one of the last to leave. When I reached the door I turned around to see who was left.

The only people left in the room was me, the sleeping nation and Turkey. I glanced over with curiosity and saw him pick up the sleeping nation. I was a bit surprised by this but all he did was walk past me to the rooms. "Turkey shares a room with me so why would he take him to his room?" I mumbled. Deciding not to dwell on the thought to life by I walked down the hallway to the dining room.

*and that ladies and gents is the 8th chapter of the secrets of a nation. I'm wanted to apologize for all the really slow updates but this isn't the only boon that I am updating at the moment along with school work. I hope you all dam patiently wait for the next update. And with that I will see all of you next time, bye!*

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