Chapter 18: He Didn't Want to Show Them

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 18th chapter of The secrets of a Nation. I'm so happy that all of you like this book so much and I'm back with another chapter! Anyway let's get into this.*

(America's POV)

I looked around the dining room with a faint sense of familiarity. Around me everyone talked as lively as they used to, it felt nice. Norway and Kiku sat next to me, both stoic nations actively engaged in small talk, reminiscing about their past.

I was startled out of my thoughts by a sudden weight crashing into my back. I looked around and saw Toris and Feli holding onto me tightly. "America!" The Italian nation cried, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I walked off Ike that, and... and I know you probably won't forgive us but we... we're sorry and... and we missed you so much." At this Both buried their faces into the hem of my shirt and cried.

I felt my initial state of shock slip away and felt a small smile make its way into my face. "Ah. You know I don't like seeing you two like this." I said while I ran my hands through their hair. They tensed at the contact before they looked up to meet my eyes. After seeing that I had no intention to hold a grudge against them, they both bounced up to me and squeezed me with and incredible amount of force.

Norway and Kiku watched the exchange and began to laugh at my situation and I couldn't help but laugh as well. After Feliciano, Toris, and me patched things up we were sent back to the meeting room for another reading session.

(Japan's POV)

After everyone was settled in their seats I made my way to the front. I wanted to read for today as I felt I was getting left out on this opportunity. I silently flipped to the last page and waited for everyone to quiet down before I began to read.

Dear Diary,

Iceland forgot his puffin at home today... the thing just keeps looking at me. I don't know what to do with it... Help...

This entry along with the friendly atmosphere before hand caused majority of the room to burst into laughter save for a few, aka Norway. After I had finished my small giggle fit I continued reading.

Once in a while, Norway will seek for attention and becomes to clingy. Denmark loves it when this happens.

After I finished reading I heard a few "aww"s and "uwu"s sound throughout the the room. I couldn't help the small smile that spread across my face. Said nation had a face so red, he looked like it would catch fire soon. I chuckled before continuing to read.

Dear Diary,

A few years ago, Denmark gave me this really stupid necklace with little Lego charms. I made him believe that I threw it away, because honestly, it's kind of hideous. What he doesn't know is that I still wear it everyday, under my clothes. He is such a moron.

Although this entry was still light hearted and had the room laughing again I couldn't help but grimace. Before coming up I was already prepared for some very harsh entries. With all these entries I knew it wouldn't last long.

Norway has insomnia. The only thing, other than drugs,that can make him fall asleep is Denmark lying next to him.

At this the light-hearted atmosphere died down. It was not surprising as many nations dealt with such issues of health. It was however, still something grave to here that another nation didn't have good health.

Denmark smiles to hide his loneliness. He'll never forgive himself for pushing his entire family away. He clings to Norway because he's the only one who never wanted to leave him.

I saw Norway look at Denmark with a shocked look and could feel my heart squeeze. During our talk while Alfred was zoned out I had learned quite a few things about the other, including his not so obvious crush on the Danish nation.

After Denmark gave Norway away to Sweden, that's when Norway's eyes went Emotionless, because he didn't want to show them the real emotion he had, the sadness he was feeling inside.

Once again I was not surprised by this information as I had questioned the other nation about this earlier. Although sad I got asked the question in return, surprisingly our reasons matched greatly.

Dear Diary,

Want to know a secret? After all these years, and the history between us... As crazy as it sounds, and though he's likely moved on by now, one things for sure, ...I will always love Denmark.

After reading this I looked toward my new companion and saw him hunched over in his seat. Possibly hoping to be anywhere but there. Right as I was sure he was about to bolt Denmark stood up abruptly and pulled said nation out of the room. I looked at the door with a small smile while the others nation expressions varied.

Silently I closed the book, placing it down in the center, before exiting the room. Afterward I was followed by the other nations. During this time the other nations returned to their rooms to kill some time before dinner. Alfred, Feliciano, Toris, and Me all gathered in our club room. Discussing the news of a possible new recruit.

*Sorry this chapter was a bit shorter than normal. Regardless I hoe you all enjoyed it. Anyway thank you all for reading and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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