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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the final chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. Before I begin this last update I just wanted to thank all of you for going through this journey with me. It's been a really long 3 years writing this book and I know time between updates was probably unbearable. If any of you have been reading since the first update I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for putting up with me for so long. Since it's been three years the first chapter has a completely different writing style from now. I may end up rewriting it, but I'll keep this version because of how much time and love I have put into it. Anyway, enough with the sob story, let's get into this, shall we?*

(Italy's POV)

After all was said and done. After everyone had calmed down, we all headed our separate ways. Back to our own countries. However, I felt like this wouldn't last long. I mean, how could it when you got power couples like me and Ludwig. Even America and Japan wouldn't be kept apart for long. A wave of change was coming, and the world was going to have to be ready for it.

It was silent as me and Ludwig walked to the front of the building. So unlike what had been hours, no weeks, before we came here. I felt myself grow solemn at the thought of all we have been through in this building, how no one but us will understand. I guess Germany sensed my foreboding depression and easily slipped his hand into mine. I glanced at him and saw him give me a warm smile. A pleasant warmth spread across my chest and a smile crept into my face as well.

I leaned my head up to place a light kiss to the taller's cheek and gave a reassuring squeeze to his hand. Right now I'm this moment, I don't have to worry about the future, that's for me to figure out soon. All I need to do is to spend my life savoring the moments right in front of me, with the person who's side I never want to leave.

~*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*3 years later*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*~





I jumped out of bed, looking around frantically. "Ahh finally! Come on we have to get ready, do you wanna explain to the other nations that we are late because you couldn't bother to wake up this morning?" An exasperated voice said. In confusion I looked around to see who was speaking and came face to face with Kiku. "Hey, Alfred? You there honey? Come on we need to get ready. We can lie around as soon as the meeting is over." Japan said gently ushering me to stand. "Yeah!" I said looking up at him happily before standing up and placing a kiss at the top of his head.

The other merely rolled his eyes at this before pushing some clothes in my arm and leaving the room claiming, "I'll get you something to eat, and no coffee is not a decent breakfast." Wasting no time u quickly threw on my clothes before rushing downstairs to greet the other who was just exiting the kitchen. "Here, eat this." He replied as he held out a bagel to me. Wasting no time I took the food and gave him a hug before we both left the house. Today, our world conference was being held in Seattle so I was able to station myself in one of the houses here. Though the house was nice and roomy for the two of us, it was a bit far away from the conference building.

We loaded ourselves into one of the cars parked outside and drove to our destination. It didn't take long due to fast paced traffic but we almost were late. "Are America and Japan here yet?" I heard a voice ask before we entered the room. "We're right here, don't worry." I called as I pushed open the door. "There you are, we were worried you wouldn't make it." England said as he sat down next to France. "No, I wouldn't want to break my streak of not being late now, would I? It's been like what, 3 years since the last time I've been late?" I replied as me and Kiku both took a seat at the table.

"Actually, you were late 3 months ago." Canada said shooting over a playful smile. "Hey! I do not count that! It's not my fault this old women didn't know where she was and stopped in the middle of the crosswalk to try and read a map that was upside down!" At this every broke out into laughter. Canada promptly leaned against Prussia, seemingly satisfied at his banter. Even Kiku chuckled silently beside me. "Alright, alright. As much as I would love to here more crazy experiences we need to get this meeting started so our bosses don't flip out." Ludwig said taking his place at the front of the room.

As the meeting began everyone chatted calmly and tried their best to understand everyone else's opinions and ideas. I looked around the table and began to smile to myself. I was shocked when I looked toward the front and made eye contact with Feli. He looked a bit shocked himself before shooting me a wink and turning to look back toward his man. I chuckled a bit before starting to participate in the meeting as well. This was nice. I think that, while still broken, the world had managed to patch up a few cracks that were drifting is further and further apart.

Who knows, maybe in a few years we could achieve world peace. That isn't really up to us though, this all depends on our people and the choices they make. It depends if they want to stand together or stand against each other. I hope they do, because I can't imagine standing against all the unique, beautiful and diverse nations that I see today. I glanced toward Kiku before grabbing his hand to intertwine our fingers together. Not now, and not ever.

*and this ladies and gents is the final update of The Secrets of a Nation. I'm glad all of you could be here with me on this ride, it's been a whole lot of fun and it pains me to put an end to a story so close to my heart. I love all of you. Please stay safe with the situations going on in our world today. Maybe in another book, maybe in another life, I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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