misunderstood cont'd // 13

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(Aria's POV)

12:00PM // Clark's House

After I finished my breakfast I went upstairs to go change to go for a run, but before I run up the stairs I ask any of the girls if they wanted to go with.

"I'm good"

"Eh maybe not"

"it's okay I'd rather not go, but it's the thought that counts." she said while she winked at me.

"Come on' guys it's a cool place."

I try to convince them to come with but they won't budge.

"suits you guys" I say in a cool guy voice while I run up the stairs, skipping one step after another.

I go upstairs into my room and take off my shirt.

I walk to my closet and stand infront of it trying to choose out an outfit to go running outside.

I walk back to my bed trying to find my phone so I can check the weather.

"There you are" I whisper to myslef as I grap it and turn it around.

" 4 5 2 3 "

I go to the weather app.

"57 F'"

I turn off my phone and walk back to my closet.

I pick out Nike leggings, a Nike dri-fit skin tight jacket, and my white flyknit running shoes.

I run down the stairs,pass the kitchen, and walk out the door.

"Bye guys love you!" I yell while exiting the house.

"Love you!"

"Have fun on your run!"

"Love you bitch, bye"

I stretch then go on my run.

I go East.

There's this place that has a road down the middle, dead grass on the right side, and woods on left.

It's about a 20 minute run there.

I stop midway to take a breather since I've been running for 10 minutes straight.

I look off to the sight of the dead sea of grass and dead pine trees in the background.

I hear something in the woods behind me.

I don't see anything but I hear something.


I look back quickly and see something gray standing up from the ground.

I take a closer look realizing who it was ; Ethan.

I got hesitant at first not knowing what he was going to do to me but I approached him anyway.

Eye's red and puffy.

Nose dark shade of pink.

marks of tears from earlier before I was here showed.

I look down and see his bloody knuckles.

"Are you okay E?"

I grab the inside of his hand and hold them.

He rips his hands away from mine and tells me to ..

"Get the fuck away from me"

He pushes me back in an angry manner.

"Is it about Michelle?"

"How the fuck do you know about that?" He looks me up and stares me dead in the eye.

I explain everything and he goes off at me and storms off trying to lose me, but I'm not the kind that you can push away and I'll leave you alone,

I go after him and I'm pissed.

I go off and start yelling at the top of my lungs pushing him back further and further until he either falls or hits a tree.

*thump* he hit his back against a tree.

When I'm done he's silent but when he does say something he stuttered.

"um- Ar - I'm sor- " he stutters in a weak voice.

"It's not your fault no need it's ok" I reassure him in a weaker tone.

We stand there in the cold in silence before he hugs me.

He holds on to me making sure not to let me go.

I hug back, tighter, and cry into his chest.
thoughts to myself :
I feel safe.

I feel loved.

After I lost my mom and now that my dads never there for me it feels like he's there for me now.

But only in that moment.

I don't think he'll ever do that for me again.

It's ok though , I've made it this far without anyone I can make it farther.
We stand there holding onto each other tightly for about 2 minutes.

I let go and he holds onto my hand not wanting to let me go but untwined our fingers and squeezed his hand one last time before I let my hand go loose.

I said bye,love you.

He said nothing back but I didn't think much of it.

I walk back to the road and look both ways before

continuing my run out of town.

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